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    greetings from borneo and some help needed too

    Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by souzaco, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. souzaco

    souzaco Newbie

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    Hello all and greetings from the exotic land of borneo

    I need some help in designing notebook covers. It's a sony. I don't actually have any softtware to fill the pictures in with design like photoshop so I just used ms paint.

    This is the initial cover before being modded or whatever you call it


    And I was thinking on doing this.

    1.-Red background, racing stripes and checkered flag. I don't have ideas on how to collaborate them all together


    2.-Zebra skin..but instead of them being black and white, I want them to be red and black or any color that suits black

    3.-Tribal design, maybe white background with black designs

    Oh and what do you all think? If anyone could help me out and send me photoshoped would be very great... just design anything and you could post 'em here or you could PM. (I want to maintain the sony and the vaio logo though)

    I am sorry if I have gone overboard by asking for photoshoped pictures.

    hehehe, sorry for the lack of creativity.
  2. Thibault

    Thibault Banned

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    Hahaha first I'll say nice attempt with MS Paint.

    In my opinion your second idea (the blakc and red zebra skin) would look good.