i'm toying with the idea of buying yet another notebook, or rather a netbook now... i'm not exactly sure if it's the right moment to get it, as e.g. samsung's netbook (nc10 or 10c series, kind of forgotten the naming) should soon arrive and most new eee 1000h are not even available at my local retailers (again due to arrive soon, for the moment there are 1000hd equipped with celerons). still i'm now considering the "body colour" as the wind i'm thinking of buying comes here in the black or white guise. as i'm kind of minimalist in terms of 'book looks, i kind of also prefer to have my desktop apropriately styled (for the white one i'd use the Sspearl style - SSPearl OSX Skin designed by Kevin Husted ported by playboy to MSDoors, for the black one i was thinking of similarly clean and mean msstyle Blak or Blk2 or some other i once already used on my trusty old desktop pc). and here comes the problem
i was wondering if there is a difference in terms of power output/battery life should one use the 'book with a style that is, simply put, very bright (lots of brights and whites) or rather dark (dark greys and blacks with some contrasting elements). i kind of seen that the very "light" one is kind of hard for the eyes when working in dark places (i do kind of lots of work till late hours, or even early ones) but it seems to be easier to tolerate for the bright and sunny days. on the other hand, black styles tend to be better when working at night but during sunny days they tend to be a bit harder to work with... so i was wondering if the dark style being presented on the netbook's lcd would yield a better battery life, or maybe it would be the other way round? that the light one would top the life... hmm or maybe there's no difference at all?
Sounds like an interesting thesis, perhaps you should perform a study. In all sincerity I doubt that there's much of a difference.
Color is largely a choice of preference. A dark frame does provide good contrast but in some cases this can also provide a distraction/distortion of the actual colors in the image.
As far as battery life you might suppose that a dark color might heat up in the sun and place more stress on the battery...batteries have permenant memories and higher heat will definitely shorten their longevity.
In addition to the battery life and image color selection of light colors might show stains or scratches easier.
So you need to take in what you'll be using the laptop for, where, how long and reflect on whether this choice really has impact except for aesthetic preferences. -
yeah but at the same time, reproduction of colours on lcds requires appropriate subpixels being on. i reckon in the old times of kinescopes (sorry if mispelled the word) to get white colour the screen needed to produce 3 beams, am i right? black wasn't using any beam at all
therefore black desktop did, marginally but did, decrease wat-hungrines a bit... in terms of lcds i believe white colour is reached through turning on all 3 subpixels... white backlight behind the colour matrix takes most of the energy, but certainly those subpixels do require some energy to operate
therefore my short thesis and question at the same time - would the dark desktop (followed by black frame/body to be aesthetically correct for me) get any better in terms of battery life? or is the difference really not existing?
follow the path to the dark side or stay with the light side (of the force)?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by mkarwin, Nov 2, 2008.