Lol, this is an odd topic but here goes.
About a week ago i noticed that every so often a few tiny sized bugs would be over my laptop. They are really small, like mites and very hard to see. I can only really notice them on my screen on a white background. So today i took off all my keys from my keyboard and cleaned it out as best as i could. removed alot of hair and dust and blew under the keys. I'm starting to think that they might be living in my laptop or something because they just come out of nowhere, and i have been getting some tiny bites lately when im asleep![]()
So anyway, has anyone else had a similar problem and any advice?
Either take apart the computer and clean it out thoroughly or get rid of it and get a new one. You may also want to get some bug bombs for your house as well as some cans of bug spray and some Borax. Basically, go wild with anti-bug stuff. Get a some sort of filter mask too while you're at it. You don't want to breathe in that stuff.
I've noticed the odd one or two on my screen as well, sometimes. They are never all over the place though, and I don't get bites
I also took mine apart recently, and found none inside.
OP, where do you live? It could be to do with your climate, or your humidity. These bug things seem to like cold. I've never really noticed them in the summer. -
Desktop or Laptop?
If its a desktop its easy. You'll need to open it and make sure it gets cleaned properly. Make sure all bug feces and such are removed. Bug Feces and such on the components can lead to earlier wear then usual. In most cases taking the desktop apart and blowing it out outside can be beneficial. Then you'll want to look at fan filters or something to keep them out of the computer
If its a laptop... You'll need to do the same thing if its inside the machine. But this time you'll probably need to be more thorough it will likely be on the components. Use some rubbing alcohol and cottom/thin cloth to wipe the bad spots. Rubbing Alcohol will evaporate quickly leaving no residue or trace.
If its just your keyboard, just get a new one.
*** Note: A bug infestation inside your machine will void any warranty on the machine if you need to send your machine in and they find bugs inside. -
I live in Thailand and my dell d630 had a small group of ants set up shop in my LCD and keyboard.
I'm not sure if it's the heat or some other energy that the components put off that attract them...Possibly it was the crumbs from my food under the keyboard? But they were up even BEHIND the LCD which isn't really connected to the keyboard in a way they'd be able to travel inside the computer up to there, so something there must of attracted them too the LCD too.
Maybe some sort of bug spray, flea and tick powder, or bug bait would work? I just kind of lived with it and squashed them whenever they ventured out of the castle.
EDIT, just found this about ants, but not sure what's living in yours ShinaK.
Certain species of ants love electronics -
If they are in inside, run furmark and Prime95 to get your temps into the 90-100C range
Roast those suckers alive
But seriously the best thing would be to open it up and see, if you do find some bugs blast them out with compressed air -
I agree with RaYYaN roast them all.If you can't blow them out with compressed air, go buy some of that ant killing stuff that attracts ants that they sell at the store to lure them out.
You may want to consider a thin foam screen over your vents - not enough to keep air from flowing, but with small enough an aperture to prevent bugs from nesting. It's not ideal for cooling, but it may be a worthwhile tradeoff to prevent the indigenous insect population from making a home inside your laptop and causing further damage.
The roach hotel now has wireless internet.
Hang a sign outside the box. "Roaches under 12 eat free", "Free HBO", "Free WiFi"
Maybe bedbugs?
Trombiculidae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Might wanna look into Chiggers or related bugs, too. -
I haven't seen many in a few days so maybe they died out because i did leave my laptop on with sc2 on to get my temps up. The funny thing is that whenever i did that i always saw 1 or 2 crawling around because maybe they came out due to the heat. The amount of bites are somewhat subsiding so hopefully its ok. -
You could still have bedbugs or a different infestation separate from the computer bugs. Might be worthwhile to check some of the folds and creases of your bedsheets and such.
Yup, Toronto is getting big problem with bedbugs, local news is blasting this every day.
New York is getting that problem too, and they had high end stores closed because of thatWhen you're shopping for new clothes you get bedbugs as a bonus, lol
try putting the laptop in a bag, with no air going in so moisture can't get in. then put it in the freezer for 10-20 minutes ? that's how i get rid of my bugs in my rice jar lol. as long as moisture doesn't get in, the laptop won't get damaged. the laptop should be in room temperature before putting it in.
i've done with this my old laptops -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Remember, lots of bugs are simply attracted to laptop/desktop screens... especially at night. However i'd just spray some raid in the room, go out for a few hours and come back.
cover the laptop or desktop with a plastic bag and use a hair dryer on hot setting to essentially burn them. Seal and leave it covered for 24 hrs. You can also vacuum the keyboard.
bugs in my laptop, literally.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by shinakuma9, Aug 14, 2010.