i need to know if its hard to apply pictures on different spots on the laptop
by pictures i mean something like a image
i have painted laptops before but nothing like this
i don't quite understand ur query (a pic example would help), but i do use removable tattoo on my laptop
it can be removed easily if needed, & lasted quite a long time if u do not touch it
cheers ... -
Where do you go about finding a computer tattoo? I googled it but didnt come up with anything. I really like that idea.
he means stickers
i want to either paint a picture on the lid or apply one
the problem is keeping it there -
it is a BODY removable tattoo. u can buy these almost anywhere i think
u can apply these tattoo to almost any dry surface, and it will stay there until u remove with with a moist rag - same principle working with removable body tattooing
cheers ... -
wow my thread got jijacked
applying pictures
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by KainXS, Sep 23, 2006.