I'm trying to convince a jeweler I know to buy a laser etcher for the purpose of etching their jewelry... and to etch laptops. A lot of people have expressed amazament and interest at what was done here:
So, I was wondering, who would actually pay to have theirs done?
I would. Ive already found a nearby place that does it.
If I really wanted to, I could get it done in my school's prototyping lab. But then again, it would be nice to have it done by a professional who knows what he/she's doing.
Sure, I'd drop $50 for something like that (if it can be done on a titanium lid, which might not be the case).
SpacemanSpiff Everything in Moderation
No, I don't believe in tattoos.
Depends what and where. I'm not too big on fancy designs, just something classic and classy, nothing too big
Metamorphical Good computer user
Even if mine had metal material for a lid. Nope. That's perminant. I could have it for a week than start wonder 'Why did I have Master Shake etched on my laptop? The heck is wrong with me?'
So no. -
I would. I've seen it on some apples (as have most of you probably) and think it's pretty cool. I'd probably just have my name etched on somewhere or a design i could live with. The price isn't bad at all at 50 and I'd pay more even if I had to.
Yes I would. I'm actually thinking about doing something cosmetic to my laptop sometime in the future.
Put something on the lid and on the palm rest like another member did with his W3V.
I just have to think it through and pick something nice.
Mike -
I would absolutely get my laptop engraved... I'd make it match the etching on my desktop. Dragon in the upper left corner.
i think it depends on what i was able to pick to determine the price. it would be worth it, if it was a quality job and not just a quickie...
pb,out. -
If I was certain I could trust the person doing it not to mess up, or at least have some sort of compensation for damages, then I would totally get an etching done on my laptop's lid. Since it's a plastic case it wouldn't look as good as those powerbooks, but I think a nice etching of Soundwave would be fantastic on the lid, since me laptop is named Soundwave.
Although it looks cool... I think it's a waste, and not worth the $.
it pay for a sweet custom paint job, like hypersonic does, but not laser etching
nathanhuth Notebook Evangelist NBR Reviewer
I would never would want to engrave anything into plastic!
Custom Laser etched window:
The company: www.hyperkore.com
The window costs about $30. You send the high rez pic, the etch it. I do not know if they do laptops, but you can call and ask for Tomas Volpe. They did not do custom window cutting until I approached them with my project. -
I'll pay for laser etched... but i'll prefer custom paint job.
i would. even if it was functional meaning, i would get some kind of identifying mark etched into the main parts of the laptop. maybe my initials or something.
yeah, you got it right. "custom" mean personalize paint job. Anything paint job that make it stand out from the usual. Like urs i guess. I need the colors, laser etched is just grayscale to me, I'll put it in last priority
www.smoothcreations.com . . .get the number from the contact page, ask for Chris or Jim, tell em DarthBeavis referred u
The creations on that site are incredible DB, I might have to think about getting that done sometime.
Yeah the creation look awesome. I wondered how much will it be though..?
any idea? -
A lot? It looks like a nice job and you get what you pay for...
my ALX was 700 including mouse and keyboard
That's as much as another brand new computer... =(
Looks like they do some nice work. Pretty distinguished list of clientele as well. -
with the clone trooper rig like that, u dont need another new comp..
where do u live mach? I am in Salem.
I wouldnt mind a small design somewhere on the lid.
Hmm wow, I must admit that is some neat designs on that smooth-creations website. Nice
I don't think I would do it, especially if I want to resell the laptop. Although I have it on my ipod but that's only because it was free.
Very cool. I'd do it just to be a geek.
I wish i could find a place to do that to my laptop (when i get it)
ill be getting either the ASUS W7J or the Sony SZ premium.
But i dont think either of those have a case that is indeed "etchable".
maybe a sticker or something i guess -
Absolutely. Show me a reputable UK shop where I can do this and I'm there when I get my new laptop
except that its like a tattoo - when you stop liking it, you are stuck with it!
I happen to like the look of mine already, and I think etching might drop the resell value/make me look like a tool.
Any one Instrested Laser Etching laptops might want to check my posted
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=72406 -
Anyone know how well the brushed aluminum casing on the W3J would etch?
Man... I'd love to get an etching when I get my MBP.
No idea what I'd get.... but hell yeah thats awesome. I'd probably get a sticker of the same design, keep it on there for a while, then if I can deal with it for a month or two.. get it etched. No idea where I can find a laser etcher locally. -
is it possible to get a dell 6400 etched?
i think a full custom paint job is too flashy, these laser etch is pretty **** cool -
So where can I send a MBP to get this done?
etching will stay on the surface 4eva...reselling will be an issue and also your likes/dislikes may change and you'll be stuck with the etch. can't just turn it on it's head and shake and the etch is gone
I'd drop even 100 euro which is ~120 USD , but not more, for a job like that.
i would like to, but my regular old vaio sz has nowhere to be laser etched apart from the palm rest, which i would be afraid would discolour over time and perhaps be uncomfortable if it had little grooves in it.
I suppose I wouldn't mind something of that sort.
My only problem would be getting something that I would later regret, so I would most likely waste countless hours deciding what to have etched. -
Absolutely never. I wouldn't think of such a thing. Maybe etch my name and phone number into the bottom of my macbook pro, but never on top where someone can actually see it. I'd only do it to protect my laptop. I don't know if my name is permanently engraved into my laptop a thief may be less inclined to steal and sell my laptop or even steal it in the first place.
Use the extra $50 to invest in something that's actually beneficial. We still have world hunger and lack of education in undeveloped countries (not to mention no access to a computer either). Use stickers instead if you want to personalize your notebook, but $50 for a customed designed notebook is outrageous. That's over 4 hours I work I have to do to earn it and I am a college freshman.
If I had one o' them artsy macbooks, I'd certainly consider it.
I would pay (just as long as they don't charge for dimensions @_@ )
Would you get your laptop laser etched?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by sparta.rising, Mar 13, 2006.