I really like this idea. I just can't make up my mind on which color I should go with. What would you choose? I really trust the taste of NBR members, please vote.
i like smokey
btw why do you need the colour choice anyways?
EDIT:: never mind just saw the name of the forums where its osted
stupid me
but i say that you should stick to your own tastes -
Out of those I'd go with either Candy Apple or Steel. But if they were up there, I'd suggest either Ferrari or Techno.
notebook_ftw why dont you vote in the poll?
Steel gets my vote, although I liked Smoke as well.
I agree with the suggestion above - Ferrari looks really nice, but if the color doesn't suit you, more power to you, I guess. -
I personally like Alpine meself.
Thanks guys
I like Caution. If you're getting a notebook painted, might as well make it noticeable.
I voted Steel, but I'd go with Blaze if it were my machine
But then again, I really like the teal lid of my HGL-30... *shrug*
I really like white but not sure how that would look with a black keyboard. I'm also affraid it'll get dirty. I like red because it matched the red nav button. I also like crush a lot.
Would I be able to (easily) dissassemble the laptop at home and send the case alone?
From those I vote Candy apple.
well for a notebook i dont think its possible to.... easily that is
you best bet in my opinion is to send it as a whole thru a trusted carrier safely to a well rated firm -
moon angel Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer
Lilac out of that lot, but Cotton-Candy would be my preference
wel if thats what yo got in mind it would be quite risky right?
anyways isnt there any company that does custom paint jobs in kuwait
or you could try finding a company that does some somewhere in the gulf or asia it would be uch more easier and save you the cost as well as risk -
I voted Caution. Best way to get someones attention.. Yellow is always a winner.
Too bad the orange shades are kind of ugly though. -
but pitabred he lives in kuwait do you think shipping it all the way to the states is worth all the trouble when there are comapnies who do the same in the gulf and europe and asia
considering the time it would take and te effort as well as the risk of loss or breakage
quite alot of stake and if anything does go wrong the waranty will also be voided right i mean due to the custom paint job and all -
I just bailed, the shipping would cost too much.
Out of these, I voted candy apple, tho I'd go with Sand myself. Looks nifty. Kind of like them army made panasonics.
Or 'wet'. eventually.
seems like im the only one who voted for smoke
well no matter doesnt hurt being unique -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
As a male I can only vote for Smoke and Steel. No male can have a candy apple, lilac or alpine laptop. It is too unmanly. Caution is OK, but still unmanly.
but then again preferences change from person to person right?
so you cant blame any men out there wh odid vote for candy apple or so -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
It depends on how much bigger he is than me. During a football game one of the larger players skipped across the field after a play. No one planned to laugh at him.
but im sure if a smaller built player did the same thing the crowd would boo him to insanity and laugh themselves into insanity
thread hijacked -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
aah that would be something great to look at actually
and his team would let him live it down either -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
A manly man does not care what others think. He buys the pink laptop and ignores less masculine men who need to find someone else to harass to make up for their problems.
It's too bad you're not buying one anymore, those are pretty hot. I would pick Jet Black or... no change from the default Thinkpad color, hah.
P.S. You might feel great as a man with a pink laptop... car... cell phone... hair... But I'm still gonna laugh when I see you, sorry!
Edit: 100 posts! -
colours dont make a man less of a man
it just degrades him in society as the society we live in nowadays considers
pink to be a color for the feminine -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
i really think that we should be getting back to the topic
ibmac should be furious -
Quote the post before that to see and decide if my outbreak was just. Out of curiosity, how old are you?
Shaheen, we're not off topic. We're still talking about colors, only on a psychiatric level -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
I was born during Regan's first term in office.
its interesting to see how the thread has evolved from a visual perspective of color to the psychological level
if any one else has opinions about colors that either are or are not connected to the psychological interpretation of colors or their visual perspective feel free to post
but then again men are known to be little less sympathizing or a little bit carefree as compared to women who are known to think from their hearts as compared to brains in men which is a good thing...or bad ....you decide -
I was born a year before Reagan was ever in office.
this talking in code language has to stop
as of now im officially lost on what any of your ages LOL -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
Here is a Rosetta Stone.
I will warn you, his presidency was a little boring. -
boring it is
im sure i saw a post by you in the OT whats yur age thread
quite some while ago if im not mistaken
im soo lazy and sleepy too to go back there LOL -
Shaheen, I was born in 1980 and Homer a year to four years later on
aah IBmac thats way easier and easy on my brains too
so 27 years hm....nice...
homer maybe 24 or 22 if im not mistaken so mid 20s
well i guess out of you two im the youngest at 1991
IBmac what happend to the painting of your case idea of yours? -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
I was born in the same year Chevrolet did not make a new Corvette model. It is the only year between 1953 and now in which a new model of Corvette was not made.
(filler) -
I was born 8 years after my parents got married
Shaheen, I decided to bail on the paint job and ordered myself a schtikerI'm expecting it in a couple of days and will post pics.
Which color would you choose?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by MYK, Apr 25, 2007.