I love the laptops at http://www.smoothcreations.com, especially the crazy clown. Where/how can I get one of those, all ready and all. I'm in Kuwait, so I don't want to receive the laptop and then ship it to them. Anyone have any idea where I can get on all painted and ready?
Or, does anyone have one and wants to sell?
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
We have just started custom painting laptops. If you want to take a look at our gallery and color options go here.
What amazes me is how many of the words they spell wrong on their site. Makes it seem so unprofessional (smoothcreations, not xotic pc
) I just can't get myself past that.
I'm very interested Justin, just sent you a PM.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
You can either purchase the notebook from us or you can send in a notebook that wasnt purchased from us. We can do either or.
When we were originally looking for painters we experienced very poor customer relations from SC.
I am very interested Justin, and I will PM you soon!
I saw most if not all of the pictures in your Custom Paintwork Gallery on another website. The pictures are exactly the same, angles, everything. How come?
Malia -
I already got a p100. Thanks guys.
That's pretty low man, calling out another company you're competing against to try and take away business. Have some respect. -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
The reason most of the pictures are the same is we are not the only company using this painter. We are provided the same gallery other resellers are. -
Since you are a customer of SC, would you mind posting pics of whatever work you had done?
Edit: And I can now see how childish you are by giving me negative rep, trying to turn the tables like I am in the wrong. Just wow. -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Then over half the members on this forum are "childish" if they share their positive or negative experience from a company.
I gave you the negative rep because the negative rep given to me was uncalled for, since i was only sharing my first hand personal experience with their service and what i have heard others have had to do to get their machines back.
Surely you have seen other members state the same thing i have, did they also get a negative rep for voicing their experience? -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Slander: a false and defamatory oral statement
I am not stating anything false, only the same others have stated they have experienced (service wise). We initially wanted to be a partnering company with them, to share in success. Again i am not saying anything bad about their work. Their airbrushing is awesome.
I have emails with headers and phone records proving our efforts. I agree, end of story..... -
you know it also means
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
I agree, we should only post our experiences. Correction made.
Justin have you guys looked at these cases for desktops:
I am gonna use one in my next build (HTPC). I am just waiting on:
1. Decent HDMI videocards
2. Ability to run HD DVD and Blue Ray players with decoding capability
3. Ability to add cable card into a PC
All these capabilities should be available by 1st quarter of 2007 I hope. My plan is to build a unit that will server as a full-function high def system including outputting both high def dvd formats and HD/SD cable via a single HDMI cable to my TV as well as playing games.
Woops, copying to desktops. Sorry mods.
Where to buy a cosmetically moded laptop.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by MYK, Sep 13, 2006.