It (along with my CM Notepal Infinite) rest on my nightstand up in my bedroom 99% of the time
Ahbeyvuhgehduh Lost in contemplation....
My HP 5310m sits at work on my table.
My Toshiba T115-S1100 stays in my backpack in its sleeve and goes with me wherever I do - office, home or traveling. -
I was hoping to hear someone respond with, "My laptop sits in my 100 million dollar YACHT!!!"
Ummm does having a laptop on a 2006 Caravelle 18' for towing the water skiiers in the family count?????
Close enough.
Man! I want a boat so bad. -
well atleast there are a couple of lakes near by for you, look into one sometime.
I can go in pretty deep water in my Jeep, does that count for a boat?
how well does it float
, mine sure didnt when I lent it out and the idiot dropped it through the ice
Well it floats for a second then it sinks. If I loaned my Jeep(never ever would that happen) and it went through the ice Id throw my friend in to retrieve it and wouldn't let them come back until they had it recovered.
I should have but they DID pay for the retrieval and we even had fun tearing it down and rebuilding it ... with mods.
it's desktop replacement -
Used to be just my desk at home. But once I've entered university, it goes something like: 50% residence desk hooked up to a 19" monitor, 30% library, 20% lecture halls.
This is how my notebook has been spending Thanksgiving break:
on lap most of time, on kitchen table sometimes, rarely in laptop bag
don't have much room for a real fancy desk setup....if i had that i would have a desktop with a portability minded laptop (my laptop is my everything PC right now) -
A couple people posted saying there laptop is on there zalman. What is a zalman?
Try putting your hand next to the vent on the Asus G51VX. It's like a hair dryer blowing on your hand.
moon angel Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer
On lap. I guess I take desktop and laptop literally at the moment! It's not contrived, that's just how it is. Otherwise desk, bag only for transport a few times a year.
Zalman, which is on top of a desk 50% of the time or on my lap the other 50%
Where is your notebook most of the time:
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by -L1GHTGAM3R-, Jun 16, 2009.