What is the best thing to clean a glossy Laptop screen with? Mine has got pretty dirty over time but I don't want to ruin it.
Would a very slightly damp cloth work well or ruin it?
I use compressed air to remove any dust etc, you know the "keyboard cleaner" tins you can get.
A very slightly damp, soft cloth would work. I use a microfiber cleaning cloth.
If you have to use liquid..be sure to do so sparingly and remember to NEVER spray windex or water on the screen...spray it onto a towel/microfiber cloth and then wipe the LCD down.
Another thread on the forum was really helpful to me, it gives a lot of helpful suggestions about the cleaning of a (glossy) screen:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=42027 -
I use http://www.pixelclean.com to clean my glossy screen. The product was made for this type of screen.
Here are some review I found helpful:
It works very well for me. -
I mix 91% alcohol 2:1 in a spray bottle with tap water. I've used this for years and never had any trouble on any LCD I've owned. Almost everyone I know uses this method with a nice microfiber cloth.
CalebSchmerge Woof NBR Reviewer
I recommend OptiMist Prime Spray from ShaggyMac. It works really well, better than any other cleaner I have ever tried (which is quite a few). I also use their microfiber cloths.
I just use purified water and one of my old 100% cotton t-shirts. I just out all the hard pieces so its just the cloth in the middle. Just be sure to turn off your computer or monitor when you do it so the liquid crystals don't move around.
What to clean Glossy Laptop Screens with
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by basskiddanny, Mar 12, 2007.