After lots of great advice from K-Tron, I've decided to start a project laptop which I will be painting... Only thing I am having a hard time with is deciding what color to paint it! I don't want to do red or blue as they seem to be fairly common colors for laptops already. I was thinking green or orange (color guide here:
I'd like to hear input on what colors people think would look nice and why!
They just seem really *cool*
It would be cool if you could do a blend of 2 colors! Like the Pumpkin and Sunbeam? Or the Hunter Green (already dark) w/the HoneyDew!
Something to see some nice contrast...I always like messing with colors like that, though ~ So, I'm a tad keen on that!!! LOL
What is your favorite color?? When you look at the color guide..Which one catches your eye? That's how I go about things, when needing new ideas for framing/matting. and such
Cin -
Hmm, the two tone idea is pretty awesome! I hadn't thought of that. Sadly, I don't have a very good eye for artistic things, and matching things (like clothes). I've kind of been set on a nice green, I was thinking grass green was a bit too light but basically what I wanted. I should consider Hunter and Honeydew... I actually liked honey dew as well but it's just too mild, I want this to kind of stand out. When I get to see the actual paints tonight that should help me some I think. Thanks for the advice.
Thund3rball I dont know, I'm guessing
Sunbeam or Espresso.
It will be hard to get a two tone to work with spraypaint because you cant suspend the paint in a clear or silvered clear.
You may want to try some fading techniques, or the hammered paints, which have the metal in them, they look pretty cool.
I have an orange laptop, it uses imola orange auto paint, if you want I can post an image.
Well, fortunately because of the nature of the panels I can do some in one color and some in another (for instance the removable palmrests and lid). I've decided against doing two-tone though as I am now considering heavily overhauling the entire laptop's cosmetics with auto putty... I was going to get bondo but a co-worker said it won't stick well to plastic and suggested I get fiberglass for repairing boats. I'm not sure on this? What auto putty should I use?
I'd appreciate a picture of the orange laptop K-TRON, I'm having a hard time visualizing in my head what it will look like, but the more I think about it, the more I think I will probably be selecting a shade of green.
I looked at the hammered paints, and I wasn't too impressed. I'd be okay with a glittery type look though, so I will be checking out the textured forest green. Considered that rainbow-y stuff that changes in the light but decided it would probably irritate me in the long run. -
chameleon pearls (the things which make the paint shift colors) are really cool. Except they will not be in the budget. Good ones like House of Kolors, (HOK) will run you over $200 for the small container, and you will need an airbrush with which you can shoot them suspended in clear. Its very complicated, and the spray paint versions look really bad.
Here is an image of chameleon done right: Its a falcon NW from their website:
This is an image of chameleon done wrong. Notice how grainy it is. They must have put the pearl in the paint, instead of suspended in clear:
Here is an image of my orange laptop, its not the best picture, but its one of the only pics I have of it:
I did work with bondo and fibreglass. Fibreglass is dangerous, and if you use it, you better get a good mask, and gloves. The glass in the fibreglass can cut you and destroy your lungs, so please wear proper safety. I dont think you need to use fibreglass if you are only using very little bondo.
I had to use fibreglass, cause I had to build my lid up 3/4 of an inch thicker, which you need fibreglass to do.
You can safely build up and work bondo to about an 3/16 of an inch or so.
Just make sure you rough the surface enough and use the right proportion of body filler to the adhesive compound hardener stuff.
I should have pictures of me building my lid up with fibreglass in my painting thread
Thanks again for all the help. Could you link to that topic please?
Here is my laptop mod, their are pictures throughout the pages:
If you want more images of something in particular let me know and I can post some.
The pics you want are on page 3
I'm painting a 15" OCZ DIY notebook for a friend next week with burgundy Krylon Fusion, and gold spay paint. I'm going for the "Iron Man" look
I'm getting one for myself 2 weeks after that. It will be silver with a mirror finish on the top/front. That one will be "War Machine"
I suggest going with Hunter Green, and using Krylon's "Mystic Prism" clearcoat. -
Reps to K-Tron, that's good stuff.
Bought one can of grass green krylon fusion last night. It says it covers 25 sq feet, so figure I will get 20 out of it, the laptop is about 3sq feet (generous), which gives me 6 coats hopefully. Should be good with that I think. Also bought a can of white krylon primer since it was pretty much the only primer I could find, besides black and tan rustoleum. Does it matter that it does not specify for plastic?
You aint going to use clear tell me which you are going to use cause i just got mine all messed up
I'm taking my stuff to an auto shop once I paint it and going to have them shoot some auto clear over it.
QueenOfSpades Notebook Consultant
I was going to vote Hunter Green, but I see you got the Green Grass. Good luck with it! Post up pictures when it's done, I love seeing how these things turn out.
What color?! [Soon to be] laptop painting...
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Hep!, Sep 23, 2008.