Hey guys, I'm sure most if not all of you have heard of Vinyl Dyes and how they are vastly superior to spray painting.
Vinyl dye, to my knowledge, gives a matte look.
I'm just wondering... If I used vinyl dye on glossy surfaces, say on the surface of a ipod nano 1st gen, or on a Gateway P-6831FX.
How would the color turn out? Would it keep the glossiness of the surface? Or would it take over completely and make it look matte?
Bump. {10 char}
Depends on how transparent the Vinyl is, even still it probably wont retain the glossy feel of your Gateway.
I was just about to ask this. I have an Asus N50, and it looks decent enough, but I just want to jazz it up a bit. other than the matrix-esque design on it, it's pretty plain looking.
no it will not stay glossy at all. you would need a clear plastic cote on top of the vinyl dye to make it glossy again like the sem clear kote
Is there clear Vinyl dyes? If there is, then that kind of solves the problem:
1) Dye the plastic the color you want.
2) Coat it with clearn vinyle dye to make it look glossy (glossiness depends on how many coats of the clear dye you apply) -
^^^ yes as i said. vinyl dye is the same as plastic paint so you can use a clear satin or glossy plastic paint. i use them everyday..
if it kills the glossiness, what does it turn into? does it turn into a standard matte finish that you find on most plastic things, like keyboards? Does it look like orange peel? some pics would be nice
I imagine that if, for example, black dye is used, it would go from glossy to the matte color of standard PS2 controllers?
it looks like the non textured matte black plastics you see on dashboard panels in cars like around the radio etc..
GREAT! I hate the glossiness of my laptop. It might look nice, but it drives me insane. I have to wipe it down several times a day. A matte case would be awesome. As I said before, my laptop has matrix-like designs on it. Would they still be there if I would put vinyl dye over it? It looks like it's painted on to the case. pic:
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_ztbaF6DwcdU/SRsWbQNRZAI/AAAAAAAACB8/HCVp91H6emo/1112081029b.jpg -
Pic doesn't show up.
i recc the sem plastic dye and then a satin clear cote if you do not want the gloss. but the satin clear will help protect the vinyl paint..
Where can I buy vinyl dyes anyways?
I'm thinking Michael's Arts and Crafts, and Canadian Tire? -
auto zone and any auto parts store has them i did my car with it and no the designs will be gone i can show you a pic of my car to show you what a big diff it makes.
Aren't the paints used on cars metallic paints? They work on the theory of charged ions.
I'm talking more about vinyl dyes specfically for plastics.
As avanish11 asked, I am also wondering what brands are good for vinyl dye and the clear coat. -
Vinyl dye is used on the car interior
lol trust me it says vinyl die on the can
good for plastics or vinyl heck u can use just bout any thing to paint it go look at auto zone ...
sem imo is the best stuff there is. the dupli color and stuff at autozone does not even compare..
yea it is better by alot but its all i could get at the time ...look online plastic dyes..easy to find
Vinyl dye on glossy plastic -- how will it turn out?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Hahutzy, Dec 15, 2008.