I just bought a g4 ibook 12". The guy I bought it off had a couple of stickers on the case. They've been there for at least a year. I tried removing them but the glue stays on. Should I use a damped cloth or alcohol? I'm worried the alcohol would damage the paint or case.
Thanks in advance.
You can always buy Goo Gone. You throw it on a little rag or wash cloth and it should come off.
Thank you. How about alcohol?
try a sugar cube.
PS. read here -
Try a damp rag first and then escalate if that doesn't work.
If you end up using alcohol then test it in an inconspicuous place first. -
also remember to use RUBBING alchohol LOL -
worked great and mmmm good
luckily both your palm rests match now too
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
Rubbing alcohol is extremely vague. It ranges from Methanol, Isopropanol to Ethanol. Each one has difference properties. The strength varies from 50% to 80%. Also be careful of any added ingredients. It changes the name a little.
I was going to use perfume or after shave
perfume consists alchol if im not mistaken and is more stronger than after shave i guess but i think its the other way around
but yet its better to double check
better safe than sorry -
Done, good as new. I used wd40, lighter fluid, a cloth, a hair dryer, a tooth brush and a whole lot of guts!
I even cleaned under the keyboard. Only problem is I tried removing one of the letters to see how it was under there and whether or not it was easy to put the letter back on. Turned out wasn't so easy and now the letter "B" is hanging on barely from one side. Can't figure out if I broke it or if there is a trick on putting it back on.
well mostly guts pay off like this time
anyways the letters on the keyboard just dont break i guess there should be trick to putting it back in
try downloading the manuals from their site or run an google search....or someone with an ibook could help you out -
Due to ample amounts of hair, goo and a lot of sticky stuff I dumped the external keyboard and just ordered a new one. I am now using a small external keyboard on the mac.
Using alcohol on an iBook after removing stickers.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by MYK, May 4, 2007.