Anyone else here sand their laptop lids with a very high grit sand paper so it will feel more matte?
For a moment there, I thought you were talking about using sandpaper to create a matte display.
/10char -
A display with some texture. Now that'd be awesome.
niffcreature ex computer dyke
If you use sandpaper on a laptop, then the paint will come off obviously and it will be the color of the plastic.
On metal it is even more difficult, and it will go through several finishes/colors depending on how much you sand it...
In any case its not easy to keep even, I guess you could try like 1000 grit. -
Don't do it. Find some stick on design for your laptop's lid.
and I avoid ordering online as much as possible.
Yeah, I don't know if its worth the gamble. Without knowing the finish you could just cause yourself grief.
I would go higher on the grit if you're still willing to try. -
Are there any of us that opened that thread expecting something besides a sandpapered LCD?! What a misleading title!
I doubt the feel would really be matte but more gritty feeling. I believe there are skins you can get that are felt(sp?) material that may provide the feel you want. -
If you really don't want to order online, go out and buy some vinyl wrap.
You would have best results if you wet-sand with wet-or-dry sandpaper in 400 to 600 grit. You'd want to be very careful not to get water inside the case.
You could also paint the glossy case with a couple coats of high quality matt spray paint. You should first wet-sand or dry-sand the case to ensure good paint adhesion. Again, use 400 to 600 grit sandpaper.
If you want a really rich looking and soft case, I would suggest going to a fabric store and picking out a backed vinyl material that can be applied using spray adhesive or contact cement. You may be able to purchase a remnant piece of material at much less cost than "off the roll". -
Spray it with your color choice of Plasti-Dip rubber coating. It will give it a matte rubber texture
Just apply a clear vinyl on top
So for the rest of us who incorrectly interpreted the topic, is it feasible to convert a glossy display to matte using sandpaper? What grit would you use?
Matte screen is just a AG coating (Anti-Glare) which disperses light so it doesnt reflect like Glossy screens do.
Though you can go from Matte to Glossy by removing the AG coating like this. -
I see. Thanks, Flipfire!
what about painting it with a non-glossy finish.
And yes i thought the OP was talking about the screen at first -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
Did anybody NOT miss the part a dozen posts ago where the OP successfully did exactly what he wanted to do?
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
maybe buy that krylon matte finish?
I use to laser engrave laptops and what i would do is make the recipient buy a replacement lid to do stuff to just in case.
Using Sand Paper To Reduce Glare
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by PinoyBoy, Sep 4, 2011.