I would like to know if i can use acrylic paint to paint a laptop and its there any like cheap i can buy cause i think most of them are a little expensive .
i'm sure you can use it. you might need to prime it or get the surface paintable abrasively. and how do you plan on coating it?
what do you mean by coating it ?
clearcoat, laminate or some type of film so your paint job won't be ruined.
1. Clean with rubbing alcohol
2. Scuff surface with a gray (fine) 3m scotchbrite pad. Use tack cloth to remove residue powder.
3. Spray a coat of Sherwin-Williams Automotive UPO7226 plastic adhesion promoter. http://www.sherwin-automotive.com/products/show_product.cfm?product=2679, available in spray cans. Try the store locator link, they have a ton of them but they are not the same as the house paint stores.
4. In terms of cheap paint, you can buy "Basics" acrylic in the tubes from MIcheal's at a reasonable price. -
I was thinking about using Dupli-color acrylic spray cans and some clear coat just a basic paint job , im only doing this because they told me that acrylic paint its way better than those other paint .
ohh that will be nice . But about that UPO7226 what is it?
it is a plastic adhesion promoter. most laptops have the color impregnated within the plastic so you have to prepare the plastic surface like it is raw plastic. after the plastic is cleaned, you spray a coat of this on it and it bites into the plastic and gives you a surface for the paint to adhere too. plastic is made in molds and the release agent they use becomes a part of the plastic substrate and makes it difficult for paint to adhere properly. if the plastic is painted then you would omit this step.
so ill use this adhesion promoter before i spray the paint ?
yes that is correct
ohh ight thanks . When you make the video you said post it here ill be nice if you use all the items you have told me step by step .=D
Type of paint.....
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Knightz, Oct 17, 2008.