I removed one the the stickers, not the blue Intel core or Windows 7 sticker the clear one below these about electrical blah blah, I think.
Whats the best, safest way to get the sticky glue off the computer?
Thanks. Will ask a more challenging question next post!
Turpentine, white spirit, IPA etc.
I usually use ArctiClean 1... obviously this is not something you can easily find at home.
Isopropyl alcohol 99% or rubbing alcohol - general for cleaning and very cheap.
Alcohol or nail polish remover (acetone-based) works great. Don't try technical grade acetone, though - it will remove the paint
Use zippo or lighter fluid
Use an Eraser like you did in kindergarten and rub it out. It works wonders and no chemicals
WD-40 to remove the glue... then clean the WD-40 with some alcohol.
Packing tape. Stick the sticky side on it over and over til it comes off.
For plastics I prefer citrus based adhesive removers. I've found with alcohol or other strong cleaning agents you risk discoloration if you stay in one spot too long or rub too hard.
Alcohol/Nail Polish Remover.
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
I would just rub it off, works every time
Use alcohol (70°-90°)
mild citrus based cleaner - overkill but works -
Goo Gone it works like a champ for removing the sticky residue.
Worked great when I debadged my motorcycle. -
Get some scotch tape, rub the sticky side onto the residue, and pull the tape off (pulls the residue with it). Repeat until all the residue is gone.
What I usually do to remove the is rubbing it with my hand, if I don't get it off the first time, it will go away after period of time.
-even works with rubik cubes vinyl stickers
available everywhere
even in asia -
for me baby oil on tissue paper does the trick. I think oil works because as you rub the adhesive the oil keeps it from moving elsewhere. And it somehow dissolves the adhesive while Im rubbing it leaving it clean and residue free.
For something like this I use goo gone on a damp cloth, I like it since goo gone is not as nasty of chemical as some other cleaning products.
I can usually get it off by using the remnants of the sticker. Whatever bits of the sticker are still sticky, I just re-stick over the goo left on the body repeatedly until it all comes off. Failing that, packing tape mentioned above or any particularly sticky tape will do.
Erasers work pretty well. Unless you're faced with something similar to duct tape then it's time to break out the rubbing alcohol.
DirtyTrickster Notebook Evangelist
vegetable oil
acetone oil?
i use ArctiClean , so far its been a charm and no issues with it.
fingertip always work as good as a eraser.
dremel polisher
Alcohol worked for me.
Took sticker off, now how to get sticky glue off?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by FRAOEM50, Nov 12, 2011.