I have a Dell Vostro 1400 and I'm wondering, what's the best way to get rid of that Dell "medallion" on the outer lid? Also, is there any way I can get rid of or paint over the "Dell" lettering that's right under the LCD screen?
I'm thinking of trying to do a paintjob but I want the color(s) to not be "interrupted" by the Dell Logo(s).
Im not sure, just a guess, but you may be able to pop off the display and on the other side, pop out the Dell circle logo thingy... But just a guess
You could possibly put spackle over it to fill in the indent shape, then carefully smooth it off and repaint the lid... -
I would do as ahl said and take the lid apart, fill in the cover till its flush with bondo or something and then sand it down and repaint the whole lid.
Ok cool, sounds good. Is there anything I can do about the "DELL" text that is under the screen?
Maybe someone else will have an idea... -
you can sand the dell letters off and use a little compound to fill in the holes (if any are made)
use a product called duraglass for filling in the spot on plastics. sand down smooth and i recc a primer called "polyfill" or another high build PLASTIC primer. dont use reg rust type paint. polyfill is the best there is for plastics imo. snad down till you done see the line where the filler meets the plastic. now for the paint i recc using sem brand products. they have specific plastic paints and i use them daily for auto interiors. they imo are THE BEST plastic paints HANDS DOWN. they even have a texture spray if you want a more durable finish this gives it that leather like look you see on hard plastics in car interiors. if you have any questions let me know, i do custom car audio (just sold a almost 8 year old car audio shop i owned) and now i strictly do full custom jobs.
Very good info guys, I really appreciate it! I can get this project going soon when finals are over
Anyways, for painting my laptop, do I have to completely disassemble it if I want to paint the outer lid, the area around the LCD screen, and the area around the keyboard/touchpad, but not the bottom of it (IE: where the battery resides, and all that other stuff under there)? Just wondering so I know what to exactly do without ruining the components of my laptop. -
i would for sure suggest it. you dont want to get paint on the screen or anything and you also dont want to paint the pieces together then if it has to be taken apart you'll have to cut the paint.. you should paint each piece separate and then put it back together just make sure not to get to much paint around the edges so when you try to put it back together they still fit okay
Oh, I don't mind disassembling the outside parts such as the screen and stuff, but I meant disassembling parts like the inside components (Hard Drive, etc). I don't want to disassemble the inner parts if I don't need to (because I'm not painting the bottom of it)
well usually if you are going to paint the palmrest you have to remove the bottom to get the palmrest off..at the same time
How much you have to disassemble really depends on how the thing was put together in the first place, which you can really only determine by looking at the service manual or something similar.
HERE is the detailed service manual for your notebook. Use it, it will come in handy.
It gives exact directions for taking apart the computer (for painting). -
You could build up the empty space with bondo and repaint?
This might be weird, but I'll ask anyway.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Linuxperiment, Dec 10, 2008.