Anyone know which would be the better?
I have need to attach another CPU cooler to an existing cooler to increase the mass, but obviously I need to attach it with either tape of adhesive as I dont have the skill to weld it myself.
Im just looking at ebay so 8810 3M or those silicone thermal glues
Better will most likely depend on what you intend to do in the future. If this is a permanent solution then either should work fine as long as you're not using it to hold weight, the 3M will be easier to use but will most likely fail when heated if used to carry weight, while the right thermal glue will "permanently" bond two surfaces. If this is a temporary solution i'd opt for the 3M as it will be easier to separate later on and will be less messy overall.
Holy crap forgot about this thread.
I still have both options but now I have 138c melting solder. I plan to use this method instead with different cooling solution in mind
Thermal tape vs Thermal adhesive (Glue) Thermal conductivity?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Reciever, May 31, 2019.