Tell us what the most flashiest notebook you ever seen, heard or read. Tell us why. I like to know why you picked as the most flashiest.
So far, I only seen the M17X as the biggest and shiniest. Lots of disc ball built in. Whats your's
Probably the M17x, but the Toshiba Qosmio X300/X305 and X500/X505 are up there as well. They are massive in person, and extremely shiny.
tornbacchus GO leafs.. Wait, Nevermid
I'd say my x300. It's big, red, shiny and lights up.
It just needs some lights like the m1730 -
My old Z505.
It was polished magnesium, it got me stopped by security in airports.
Oh, and also less than 1inch thick.
Mac Air.. HA! This predated it buy about a decade.Attached Files:
SomeFormOFhuman has the dumbest username.
SomeFormOFhuman has the dumbest username.
Is your screen a WXGA? I shall customize to your fitting.
SomeFormOFhuman has the dumbest username.
Here you go
1440x900 WXGA+.
Attached Files:
SomeFormOFhuman has the dumbest username.
I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 as well, I modded the lid with silver reflective tape and a wooden finish border.
Another M1730 darkshot.
Specs in my sig. -
WoW blinking lights on the top cover as well as the sides and front. M17X just got dethrone.
I'd have to say the Tulip E-go Diamond notebook trumps all. With a starting price of $355,000, the inlaid palladium white gold, bedazzled with diamonds is flashiest and most expensive notebook to date.
And if you got the car to back up the laptop? Nuff said. -
This one. Looks like something only a thirteen-year-old DBZ fan could get away with! -
Metamorphical Good computer user
This guy gets my vote. Crystals?
or maybe this. xD -
Uhm, to those who post large images, would you care to resize them, as it is against Forum Rules... And, also, please don't quote images either.
I had a Ferrari5000. I LOVED the style. I wish I had never sold it for a MacBook
I might buy one, too, since I can get one for a really ridiculous price. >.>;
I know this one personally:G50vt-x1,scatchOmatic,ever wonder why I gave it a white lid?
This has to be a contender.
However I suppose it depends on what you mean by flashy. The XPS M1730 (and presumably the current Alienwares - although I've not owned one for a very long time so I can't obviously say from firsthand experience) is about as flashy as a provincial disco run by amateurs - truly a carbuncle for the ages. -
Flashiest to date? Probably the M1730. -
I throw in my vote for the Toshiba laptops with the Fusion Finish. I own one and with the shiny keyboard and white LED's it has it's share of Bling.
I usually hate shiny laptops, but man, that looks nice. -
I bet you all of these machines look much worse in real life
I know the 1730 certainly does...
tornbacchus GO leafs.. Wait, Nevermid
Yes, my x300 looks really bad at some angles in pictures because it looks pink, but in person it's a deep red, with silver.
Regardless of whether it's pink or red, I'd have to say that monstrosity (slightly) outcarbuncles even the M1730 with all it's disco lights flashing.
So have we established whether this is a flash (in terms of attention getting and not necessarily comedy notebooks) or carbuncle thread? Because so far it's pretty carbuncular. -
I figured any Alienware would be a top contender.
I think the XPS m1730 is pretty outlandish:
I win.
Not one, he probably have hundred of those. I guess anything qualified as flashy simply because its loaded with gemstones and precious metals.
the M17x + Ingrater's AlienFX Winamp plugin
(Lord_Zath's video) -
Just say no to crack. -
And I somehow doubt it's all being done ironically. -
I think Dell's studio design shop and collections are a great attention craver. vareity of choices for the buyer to choose from -
I have to say that in this thread reside some of the meanest,baaaad,ugliest notebooks a human twisted mind has ever conceived
That hideous toshiba, you know the big red thing that looks like it was made for the 11-14 year old gamers.
QueenOfSpades Notebook Consultant
Looks like the logo is a source of weeds, better get the weed killer out.
Star Forge Quaggan's Creed Redux!
My vote goes for the Alienware M17x!
I've also got a Toshiba with Fusion finish and it looks clean and professional (when there are no fingerprints! hehe!)
The most FLASHIEST notebook?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by ryukenden, Apr 16, 2010.