Hey all,
Thought we should start a thread with all of us stating our favorite Inspiron colors whether you own one or not. I plan on purchasing a 1520 real soon. Im looking for a color thats not necessarily my favorite but one that looks good. I see they raised the upgrade from Jet Black to the others to $50!
I personally like the Ruby Red and Jet Black, I know Jet Black is the cheapest, but i like black, and was wondering how good it looks in person. Does anybody have any personal experice whilst sharing your favorite color?
Thanks all and have fun with it![]()
Crimsonman Ex NBR member :cry:
sunshine yellow
black is the best it has no delays
Ruby Red!!
moon angel Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer
Bubblegum Pink of course!
Spring Green!!!!
Sunshine yellow.
But black racing stripe decals on it, and it will look like Bumblebee from transformers! -
from my understanding, jet black does not feel the same as the other colors... plus I believe it picks up fingerprints quite easily. The other colors are made of micro-satin, so apparently they are smooth and soft to touch and you won't get any finger prints on them!
My personal choice is spring green. I do not like the black colors because they remind me too much of the latitude notebooks, which I can't stand!!! I also did not choose the blue color because it reminds me of my old toshiba (barf) and my boyfriend's inspiron 600m (which I don't like as well). Yellow is pretty bright...a little too attention grabbing for me, plus I'm not a yellow fan, not really into the color- despite the fact that i'm wearing a yellow work out shirt as we speak, lol. White is a good color but to be honest, its boring! Red is a good choice, good solid choice! But for some reason I liked the green better. Green seems very soft, chic, and as someone on an earlier thread in the dell forum said, it reminds them of one of those chocolate mints...which I can totally see their point. Pink, wayyyyyyyyyyyy too girly for me! It seems like every single girl in the world would choose pink! So I want to avoid that colorHave I touched upon every color? Hmm, don't know.
Anyways, want to find out more about the colors yourself? I've inserted some threads from the dell forum that should help you. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR QUEST TO FIND THE RIGHT COLOR
This is actually a link to the thread I just made that has compiled all of the pictures of all the colors
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=153131 -
Well... I was here when they first started coming in, so I remember reading these threads. Anyways, I knew where to find the yellow and White Pics, so here are the links. I figured I might as well copy the pictures too... I'm bored.
Sunshine Yellow!
Alpine White! -
Actually I had a tough time deciding between brown and blue, but went with blue. I cant believe they increased the price to $50! -
I like black. But then again, I want nearly all my gadgets to be black.
In other words, i'm not a fan of brown
i would go with black. sure a ruby red or yellow laptop would look cool, but it'll get embarassing after a few months when the fad is over
The Jet Black color looks great imo. I picked it over the rest of the colors. I was only considering Midnight Blue.
I think Black is the best, but IMO, the all black Vostro series looks better than their Inspiron counterparts. Plus, they are cheaper too.
Jet Black all the way. Midnight Blue would be my second choice. Basically, nearly all of my tech is black (with a few silver gadgets), and I seem to find that as the best. Of course, adding on some lights would make black look really cool. I also do like custom paint jobs (with flames).
what do you mean adding on some lights?
I would like green if it was more... green. I would pick white, but I think it would get dirty too easily, so black for me.
sweet.. i've gotta check something like that out. it souunds cools but I'm still not able to get a mental picture of what you are talking about...lol I'm a newbie when it comes to modifications!
nevermind! i totall know what you are talkking about now...
That looks so difficult! I'd be scared to take the lappy apart like that! But man, i wish I could do it! -
jet black inspiron 1721
If i would buy a new laptop tomorrow and i would be able to choose the colors, it would be either pink or yellow. Altough many would probably laugh at me because I'm a boy, but i absolutely love pink
Yellow! If only it could arrive quicker then it might have stood a better chance at being ordered.
yellow is pretty rare .olol
I so wanted to get Expresso Brown, but they jacked the price to $50 like an evil Santa in an orphanage on Christmas day. Also it wouldnt get here before I left... >.<;;
I opted black cause I'm going to sell it out after some time...Black color easier to find buyers. :wink:
Finding the ranking for each color, come and vote http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=164198 -
Pink! And it's beautiful...except for the scratch I made on the lid with the power cord that you can only see if you tilt the laptop a certain way...
I am a proud girly-girl as far as pink goes. -
Mine was to be "Midnight Blue" until Dell decided to take so long to get it to me. Not to mention telling me one thing about the video card to be installed and finding out otherwise one day before shipping. Never Dell again!!!
man, so little blue love but it's AWESOME. It's got this almost metallic quality to it, so much depth and sheen that in person it just glows. The shimmery-ness doesn't translate in pictures very well but it's class all the way.
blue especially for a dell, or black you can never go wrong with black. Red is also nice. And brown can be cool as well. I can't believe they (and other manufacturers) were'nt doing this sooner its no different then cars. Now for us boutique builders to further our craft with rare/custom colors and designs!
i still wish i ordered blue
Personally, I like the all-black look of the Vostro better than the silver/[your choice] colour scheme of the Inspirons. However, if I did order an Inspiron, I would have gotten blue. It seems pretty nice.
Seriously though, I think Dell made a good move with the color choices. People like to personalize things so it was a naturual marketing move. It's no different than a screen saver or desktop wallpaper.
With fall here and all, brown is really nice. Green and Black are strong seconds for me. -
Black might not be the most popular inspiron color thus far if Dell dun have shipment delay problem with other colours.
Come vote for your color : http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=164198 -
Sunshine yellow
I choose Black but considered Red and Blue, but neither was available without the camera, which I wouldn't use anyway, I still have a pretty good separate cam from my previous notebook.
And it would have cost 35€ extra...
By the way Vostros look too dull in the whole black...the silver inside of the 1520 makes the black outer shell lighter and much more sleak. -
I think choices are great, and for me, basic black would be it.
Ola friends, I am Brazilian and I was very crazy with the colors of the laptop. I would like to know what is the ink ultilizada in painting? Where can I find a topic of how to do a painting of this kind? I have a laptop acer aspire 5100-5840
aha!! Look on the avatar thats my panasonic toughbook with color modification and it looks cool. When i am in used at a private and public place, everybody turn their head and look at it.
Ruby red, it awesome.
BTW: you should add a poll to this. -
midnight BLUE FTW!
Vostro all black pour moi...
I just bought Dell XPS 1330 (the day before yesterday) and the store here had a Red model & a Black model.
Although I liked the Red very much I choose Black (at the time of purchasing I thought Red was girly) but now I feel I should've bought the Red one bcoz the Black shows up all the finger prints and I have to keep cleaning it constantly.
I heard that the other colors don't show any finger prints. -
I love red. So it's Ruby Red for me! [Although someone did mention it was a bit on the girly side of red...]
My top picks would be:
1) Ruby Red [favorite color: red xD;]
2) Jet Black [too bad I've heard it's a fingerprint magnet]
3) Espresso Brown [love how subtle it looks]
I have too many blue-colored stuff already, so no Midnight Blue for me, although it does look nice.
The yellow looks pretty nice, actually, but I'm afraid it might catch too much attention [lol, like Ruby Red doesn't].
Green, nah. Reminds me of... oh never mind.
Pink? Pink?? Pink?! I'm a guy! LOL... "Tough guys wear pink" or so the shirt says. Aside from my shirt, I have no plans of possessing any other pink-colored object. Ever.
And last but not least, white! The only reason I don't like white is because it gets too dirty easily [yeah, blame the color lol]. It does look sleek and classy, though.
LOL that turned out longer than it's supposed to. -
The best "color" is no color at all; BLACK!
if i was to pick id say blue first white second then black. i dont like any of the others for myself. they are all nice but not for me
The BEST Inspiron Color!!
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by tymonc, Aug 7, 2007.