Since allot of people in my school have this laptop i just did something different to it
nice, from where did you get that sticker?
I think it's funny that people think stickers are mods.
I should put 100 Chiquita Banana stickers on my laptop and call it the "Banana Mod". I'll be E-famous on notebookreview!!! -
Nice sticker, looks great. I would pull off those ugly sticker beside it tho
Not as extreme as some, but something neat and unique to customize thier laptop. Many times it is as simple as picking out the right sticker for a less than average looking notebook and greatly improve it's appearance. Sometime a little accent sticker is just what the doctor ordered and other times it takes a full skin to cover the blemishes.
Too bad they don't make schtickers for personalities. -
I agree the stickers can look really cool when they are unique like the original poster's sticker / decal, it's just hard for me to see it as a "mod". It seems to me like a mod (short for modification) means you are changing something about the computer itself, not just putting a sticker on it. Like when someone says they are going to modify their house, do you think they mean they are just going to repaint it? Or when people mod cars, don't you usually think of rims, body kits, spoilers, lights, engine upgrades, etc... Or do you think of a Tribal decal on the windshield? Is that a mod?
Look at desktop PC modding, they never would slap a decal on there and call it a mod, that would only get you laughed out of the modding scene. Those guys are cutting their cases apart and putting in windows, lights, chrome parts, building entirely new cases out of strange objects..etc...The sky's the limit, but they definitely aren't talking about just stickers.
Anyways I guess it's a matter of opinion, maybe it's too hard to actually open up the laptop and change things or cut into the body, or too risky, or too expensive, or maybe there's no room for hardcore modding on a laptop, I'm not an expert so i don't know. In fact I don't even have a laptop, I ordered my first laptop but I don't have it yet. I didn't mean to be rude I just think it's kinda a strange thing.
Also - I agree with the guy who just said take the other stickers off (Windows, Intel, etc. stickers), those things look so cheezy and noobish and ghetto, they make your computer look like it belongs on sale in a thrift store or something! It always cracks me up how laptop owners carefully preserve those stickers intact, like they are something special to show other people what cool stuff their laptop has. My friend has a laptop that cost him $3500 when he bought it 5 years ago, and after 5 years those dumb little free advertising stickers are still on there. He has been ever so careful not to let them get damaged or peeled off.
It cracks me up because any laptop or desktop comes with those stickers and it doesn't mean anything special, no one cares or will ever look at those stickers, in fact lots of people think it makes you look like a noob having those stickers on there.
Then again, i am biased, I'm the kind of guy who, when he gets a new car, immediately removes the stupid dealership decals off the back of the car, and sometimes even the car's brand logo or model name lettering! I think it looks cleaner and nicer without the obligatory crappy commercial free advertising stickers!! -
Notebook mods scare many people.....
I have been trashing computer cases for over a decade. The desktop I have now was laser cut blacklight flourescing blah blah blah back in '99 when things were just cranking up. Now you can buy them already done for less than 20% of what I spent. Anyone remember paying >$200 for a Lian Li case to get a light wieght aluminum one? My desktop as well as my 2 current notebooks are in my sig, take a peek
Most people are not willing to do more than a sticker or paint because your risk is much much higher with notebooks. They are more delicate, expensive, and harder to work on than desktops. -
Hehehe... Those were the "good old days" of case modding...
I like the paint job you did on your lappy, that is pretty tight.
I personally wouldn't have the balls to modify my laptop, other than decals maybe. Shoot, I really don't want to void my warranty or 3 year protection plan hehe...
Slight Cosmetic Mod on my DV9500t
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by sonyfxa36, Sep 23, 2007.