As you can see.. i left an unsightly mark on my laptop..
is there any good solution i can use to remove these scratches?
this is sony vaio vgn-txn25n laptop for anyone who cares.
No, you scratched the paint, well it looks more like a wear mark than a scratch, but in any case, you can't fix it without repainting the entire thing. It's not worth the hassle to repaint it just for a tiny scratch, and unfortunately unless you have the exact same paint they used, you can't just fill it in, if you try without the origional paint, it'll look horrible!
You can solve that problem, by buffing the lid, under a polishing machine, using very fine abrasive pads. I "repaired" my iPod screen that way. You'll find one in a workshop, or in a college CDT department. Painiting may not work, it may not blend in with the notebook colour, and the scrathes may still show up.
damn it..so i can't just apply some magic scratch remover...
lil? how does polishing work? if i buff it..wouldn't it just buff the painting off? this isn't a plexi glass like ones used in ipod so..
even tho it's tiny...i'd repaint the thing if i knew how to do it right..(ok call me a perfectionist)... -
its a laptop, it will get banged up. sorry but you have to live with it, there are only more to come
well yeah but since this is a "mod" forum...i thought someone could teach me a way to repaint stuff...
Do a search or check the sticky and you will find plenty of threads on painting. I don't bother doing touch up on even my custom rigs, not worth the trouble.
I had a minor scratch on the silver painted lid of my Acer 3050. It was removed with GT88 scratch remover (for painted surfaces of cars!).
Removing scratches from painted plastic.. or repainting it..
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by netddos, Aug 21, 2007.