I have an aspire one and managed to get some fine scratches on the glossy plastic bezel around the LCD. Is it possible to remove or at least lessen these? What can I use and what has been proven to work? Thanks.
car scratch remover or maybe glass repair kits idk I've never used it.
I wouldn't advice that. It could cause far greater damage. It would be best if you just leave them if it isn't that noticeable.
well some people would you a toothpaste to remove minor scratches from mobile screens but again-it is for very light scratches only and would strongly advise to try on a small and not clearly visible piece of plastic first
has anyone actually TRIED toothpaste with luck? these are pretty light scratches, more like scuffs.
go get 3m brand "swirl remover" other wise known as surface glaze. will work great for this and then simply use meguires yellow wax after and you should be suprised i have done it many times on glossy plastics
well i tried a little bit of toothpaste and it ruined it. i have lots of swirls i cant get out now. I'm looking to replace this part now. ugh...
i was able to remove my bezel last night just fine but realized i lost a couple of the rubber screw covers -
Try Brasso Polisher. I heard it works for PSP not sure about laptop though.
DO NOT USE TOOTHPASTE. i have said this so many times and no one listens to me. the glaze compound usually works awesome and make 100% sure to only use microfiber cloth with it. rub in while its wet until it starts to dry up then reapply a couple more times. then wipe off. i even use this on the high gloss black notebooks and it always removes fine marks -
i'll also be sure not to use the same dirty microfiber towel i originally used that made the scratches... -
by swirl remover, do you mean something like this:
and would it work on an LCD screen? -
I accidentally scratched my vaio SR (black) - the lower right inside my laptop (left of trackpad). Any idead how I can fix it? It is not that obvious but I just can't help getting bothered by it.
here's the photo.... sorry if it's not clear, i just took through my camera phone.. it's not that prominent but you can see it beside the full hd sticker...
i really take care of my stuff - i am hating myself for this....
help anyone???Attached Files:
i don't think janvil is available here in asia... any other helpful tips? household remedies? appreciate all your advice thanks!!!
NAPA auto parts carries Meguiars mirror glaze professional clear plastic cleaner and mirror glaze proffesional clear plastic polish. The cleaner is very good at removing scratches. It dries to a haze then you buff it with a soft polishing cloth. I tested it on my old HP dv9000 and it worked great. Most auto parts stores sell plastic polish of one kind or another, it's in the section with waxes, polishes and cleaners.
would those work on top of my acer aspire 5920 G, it has the 'Gemstone' top... which is shinney and reflective.
also my laptop was diplay stock and got fairly deep(0.1mm) from the brackets the store used any ideas on how to fix something like that?
mtarm1 -
Don't expect to get the deeper scratches with a single application. I caused some scratches on my notebook when replacing the keyboard and it took multiple applications for those scratches to disappear. -
I've used Brasso. It works ok.
if you have deep scratches you can also wet sand them a bit with 2000 grit paper then compound and finish with the swirl remover then wax..
Removing fine plastic scratches on laptop?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by rpeters83, Mar 18, 2009.