This is probably the most ridiculous thing that any of y'all have ever encountered, but I would really like some advice on this.
So I brought home a couple of wallpaper samples from Lowes yesterday because my wife wants to redecorate the living room. While I was away at work, my 9 year old son stuck some of the wallpaper onto my laptop.
I tried peeling it off, but now I have a long streak of wallpaper glue on the cover of my laptop. I looked in the sticker residue thread, but rather than having sticky gunk all over my laptop, I have DRIED/HARD wallpaper glue on my laptop.
The chemicals that people use to remove wallpaper glues are extremely harsh and will no doubt ruin the cover of my laptop. Any alternative suggestions?
Yikes, that's not so good! Dry, Hard glue residue, hmm, apart from those extremely harsh chemicals I think you are SOL. What kind of notebook is it?
9 year old did that? Sounds like he needs to do some chores to make up what he essentially almost destroyed. I don't think you're going to be able to remove that glue without damaging the plastic on the notebook.
The best solution I can recommend is trying to use a laptop skin of sorts now. A company called SkinIt has some stuff that might work for you, we've got a review of one of their products here. -
ive used "goop begone" on my m1730 to remove a bumper sticker a friend put on it. it didnt damage or discolor the plastic at all.
tornbacchus GO leafs.. Wait, Nevermid
Maybe try goo gone, but if that doesn't work, any other harder chemicals will ruin the finish. Try a laptop skin if all else fails.
A steamer would work but I'm not sure how it would affect the screen with the high heat. Goo Gone, 3M Adhesive Remover or something similar should also work, but I'm not 100% sure if the chemicals may damage the plastics.
There is wallpaper remover you can get.
Take the cover off and then soak it in it, it should come off easily then. -
I think most wallpaper glue is waterbased, just soak it in water. It will probably just wipe off (I could be wrong though, I'm not exactly Suzy Homemaker).
Well, very strong adhesives can be easily removed with minimal effort by using regular old gasoline. It's not as harsh as some solvants and will do a great job at removing the glue. to get the oil and gas smell off just use a little bit of toothpaste on the cover, scrub it in to absorb the petrolium residue and then use windex to clean off the cover, should work well without damageing he clear coat, hope this helps
If it turns out that it will not clean up the way you like you may look in to getting some faux black leather, or some of the new M3 textured carbon fiber sheet. you could mask the laptop and lightly sand the top smooth and recover the top.
let us know how it turns out.
Removing REAL Wallpaper from Laptop Cover
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by tttop, Apr 24, 2010.