What is the easiest way to remove/cover the "REpublic of Gamers" writing on ASUS notebooks? The logo is fine, its just the writing I need taken care of.
scratch it out with your nails? XD I really don't mind the "Republic of Gamers"
im a bit ok with it, but i just dont like it there.....
well, uh, you read my mind! scratch it out with my nails.....maybe with a guitar pick??
I would prefer a skin to hide the hideousness of the lid.
Use a chisel
Teeth seem to work fine
XP -
where do you get skins for this?
and is the REPUBLIC OF GAMERS painted on the plastic or is it part of it? -
Mr._Kubelwagen More machine now than man
Put some electrical tape over it.
melt it down and flatten it XP
Take a large roofing nail and carefully etch out the lettering, then work the scratches with a toothbrush and toothpaste. I recommend one that whitens. Now gather some rocks ( about 10 small ones ) and arrange them on the lid. Proceed to hit them with a hammer. Wipe the lid off with lacquer thinner. Cover in Elmer's glue and apply sprinkles and elbow macaroni. As a final touch take a can of spray paint and apply the word fail to an area of your choosing and pelt it with sardines. VOILA!!! I don't think that "republic of gaming" wording will be bothering you again any time soon.
Isn't it really small and down at the bottom? If this is the one I'm thinking of...
If constant hard scratching with your fingernail does nothing (for example, you can scratch the "Inspiron" lettering in the same place off some older Dells) then the letters are under the clear coat, and you'd have to mess up the glossiness to get rid of the letters.
Other thing you could do is a whole custom painted lid, but that's a lot more work. -
Last time i looked at images, there were 3 areas:
On the logo
somewhere below that on the lid
and below the stickers -
what material is it?
if its a plastic or metal you can use some fine cut compound to remove it if its on the surface.if the system has a gloss clear type coating over the top of it though that will work... -
kvnrthr, you didn't really answer my questions. I can't help you unless you help me help you.
I dont really know what material the front logo's made of, but assuming it is of the same material of another asus gaming notebook (i cant remember the name.......but the back cover was white. im sure it also used the gtx260, but no i7.) it is plastic. I didnt have time to look at it well because i was in a rush. well, i guess i CANT scratch it off. time 2 spray paint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you MrPUff!!! that was useful advice!!!!!yes it was!!!!!!
really. i'll try tinner for the other 2 logos. i hope it works. (there are 3 "republic of gamers" writing.)
Removin Republic of Gamers Lettering
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by kvnrthr, Oct 23, 2009.