Hi everyone, my gf had some heat problems with her macbook pro so i decided to deal with it and i came out with a little effective mod. To get started i changed the thermal paste with the mx-4 which dropped the temps 8-10c, after that i still wasn't satisfied and ran some benchmarks on the laptop without the back cover and noticed a huge temperature drop. So, i drilled a 4cm hole above the fan and put a grid on it. The Downside of the mod is that you have to clean your laptop more often like once every 3 months, the reason is the obvious dust accumulation. If you are lazy or have no time to clean the dust out, you can just use the vacuum cleaner or whatever you want to clean it. Anyway i used prime95 and heaven benchmark to pump up the temperatures.
this is how it looks
and now the temperatures, funny thing the fan wont spin up until the temps reaches 85-90c then it lowers down to 70. to prevent this im using lubbos fan control with 2000-6000 rpm and a 76c threshold.
stock thermal paste
with the mod
mod+fan control+max oc on the gpu with msi afterburner
stock temperatures, cpu: 98c gpu 91c
mx4+mod+fan control+gpu oc, 70c on cpu and 72c on gpu.
thank you for reading and have a nice day.
ps: before being a bag it was a mid 2010 macbook pro without warranty.
Wow nice work! That is a massive drop in temperature, congrats.
Im glad more people still use this mod. I still have mine in which my husband drilled 144 small holes in a grid pattern and dropped it about 14c
Nice mod. You could try putting a filter on it.
I like it. Did you just use a 4cm door hole bit, or did you use something else to drill the hole?
Reduce laptop temperatures almost 30c
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by CakeMaster, Aug 20, 2014.