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    Questions before I get it professionally painted

    Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by sar1, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. sar1

    sar1 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I contacted a pro automotive airbrush artist to paint my laptop. They said sure but I have to take it apart.

    1- Are their any manuals for SAGERs dismantling?
    2- I want the entire laptop painted like Voodoo does, do I have them mask a bunch of pieces or do I really take each and every piece, dvd drive door etc, apart?
    3- Part of why I ask question 2 is that I tried to take an old laptop apart a while ago and broke the bezel AFTER I learned the LCD bezel and the screen where glued together, if I knew that ahead of time I would have just masked the screen with cardboard and painting the bezel that way as an example.

    Thank you
  2. K-TRON

    K-TRON Hi, I'm Jimmy Diesel ^_^

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    I painted my laptop, its not worth it at all. Just stick with the stock look
    If youre that much concerned with the look, you will have to take everything apart. Paint and its components are conductive, so you need to take everything apart, including the touchpad, keyboard, optical drive cover, battery cover, etc. It all depends on how much you want done.
    I painted my laptop, had it professionally done. Cost $2500 and now I regret even bothering to spend the time.
    I was in the same situation as you.
    I see your posts asking how to spec out a laptop.
    I did the same.
    I bought a system, didnt like the color and had it painted shortly after buying it.


    First keep it for a good 4 months to make sure it is stable and well.
    I did not do that. I had a Clevo D900K, and let me tell you, it was a complete piece of garbage. Too bad I found out how much it sucks after I invested a ton into painting it.
    So now I am stuck with a beyond goregous laptop, which has a shelf life of 3 hours, before it kills itself. Again, none of the problems were my fault, just a flawed system design from Clevo.

    Now that I look at it, I should have just left it black. I wasted so much time and money on it.
