Hi all,
It might sound like a daft idea, but has anyone got any advice or pointers on putting a laptop motherboard into a desktop case? I have an elderly 2.8GHz Sony Vaio laptop that I want to put into a desktop case for my 4yo girl to use - her current "desktop" is a lowly 600MHz job that's barely good enough to run her Dora games... the 600MHz job is likely to be resurrected as a server.
You can use it like a desktop. Is the screen broken or something? -
There are too many dead pixels on the screen for my liking, and it overheats too easily. I know I could try and sort out the overheating issue (judging by the timeframe we're talking about, I don't think it's just an airflow problem) and just plug in a screen and her USB keyboard and mouse, but I was kinda hoping to put in a desktop case (with plenty of case modding, I've no doubt - they're not designed to go into desktop cases) to tidy/pretty things up a bit.
The problem is that the ports holes will not line up with any on the case for mounting. It will be a botched job in the end really. Maybe it would be worth it to buy a 100 dollar kit with a bare minimum motherboard/processor/ram deal?
you can find a desktop these days for $200, if you haven't looked into that...
Or, I have a 2.8GHz machine lying around gathering dust that'll cost me nothing to buy as I already own it.
You could always try this: http://lifehacker.com/399215/build-a-headless-laptop-system
Actually, I quite like that idea. Thank you, booboo12.
Putting a laptop into a desktop case?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by thymox, Nov 25, 2008.