I have some Dell laptops I'd like to clean up. They have light scuffs/scratches on them. Anyone know if it's possible to polish the scratches so they blend into the other plastic?
Would brasso work?
Please tell me you didn't scratch the M4400 already?
@bog, none of the laptops I have are glossy, would that guide still work?
@Greg: When I was getting the speakers replaced (before I knew the intel manager driver trick), the d*mn technician put a light scuff on the plastic by the power button. He was reckless with his screwdriver while replacing the parts -
These new Dell's are not scratch resistant at all. Its gonna be mentioned in my review, that's for sure. The exterior, while nice, is a step backwards in terms of scratch durability. -
Hmm, okay I'll veer away from that guide then.
Looking for a matte plastic polisher, I wonder if brasso or janvil works? -
you can probably get away with compound for cars to fill in the scratches, that is if you can find a clear compound. I am not sure what to get, but I know meguiar's carries very good auto care and paint products.
That really sucks that dell technicians are like that.
When they had to replace my touchpad, I had a table set out lined in foam, so that he wouldnt scratch it up.
I'm glad he replaced the speakers properly but geez, why give me a new engine for my car if you're going to slash the tires?
Does the scratch interrupt your sleep at all?
Im being honest...I know its just a scratch but it's a brand new system :''''( -
Can you take a photo of the scratch? You could complain to Dell, and maybe even get them to replace the part, provided that the scratch is significant.
It's not significant. It's me bring a prude. It's a reaaaaally nice system. Thats the only reason Im obsessing.
did you break the guys chops about scratching your system?
if it was major, you should complain, but if its small i know it hurts you, but their is nothing you can do. Anger doesnt usually solve anything.
I didn't do anything to his chops. I should've kidnapped him and made him eat broken computers for lunch. But he did his job (replacing the speakers) and keeping my system scratchless was not part of the contract.
And I know anger wont solve anything, so Im resorting to plastic polish.
lol -
if your system is matte using any kind of polish will make the area you buff glossy.. dont do it trust me. now is it a matte rubber type finish or a matte a matte painted finish.. if its painted DO NOT use polish on it you will en up with a glossier looking circle where you buff it out
Oh darn and I ordered polish too
its a plain black matte... -
yes if you use a polish it will make a glossy area i did that by accident before dont do it trust m
How glossy? Im willing to try it........
well it will make a shiny area and the rest will stay matte. it will be noticable
Possible to remove light scratches off the plastic on laptops?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by I♥RAM, Sep 27, 2008.