I got two plans for my e1705, this is one of them, wat do u think? thinking bout super S on top
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to be honest... my retinas hurt.
I'd make the touchpad green to give it a nice finishing touch.
ummm... is that made of legos?
actually i wanted it to look like a toy, not a cpu, a cpu is for work, and i wanted mine to look like it was for play
by the way, luv the saracasm, it is kinda funny, wanted it to take the colors of superman
well it sure doesn't look proffesional that's for sure, I personally would never do that to any laptop i own, but if you like in my opinion that is all that matters.
to say the least it looks..., well unique -
to make it look more like super man switch the yellow and the red, that way form the outside it looks red and blue not blue and yellow.
more superman don't you think... -
Just make sure your real paint job isnt that cool
Though seriously colors look fine for a toy.
Superman colors...nothing like yours
Switch your colors around and it will look like it. Be sure to remove the DELL logo from the top and put up a Superman Logo in the circle -
I'd also suggest going with darker colors in a glossy finish with a coat or two of clear on top instead of the colors you've got there. It'll look slicker and more "Awesome Superman", rather than "Fisher-Price Legoman".
Hey come on Pitabred, Fisher-Price Legoman is cool
Not me... but hey, if you are going for the "toy" look, and you enjoy it, by all means, do it!
But please do a better job painting it than you did in Photoshop. -
Snakes on a Plane Notebook Consultant
preppy notebooks ftw
coming to a high school near you -
Photoshop? Looks like you used Mircosoft paint! lol
all you need is this trackball and you're good to go
I would not wish that upon any laptop.
But hey, if you really want to... -
this thread seriously made me LOL
love the comments
In my HONEST opinion, that thing is fugly and anyone carrying it will:
a) be pointed at and laughed at
b) never get laid
the laptop would also want to kill itself and therefore malfunction 10x more often
love the scarcsm and comments this thread is **** funny
why don't you add some green and some lego and mega block stickers?
this is a joke right? no one would seriously want their laptop to look at that right?
oh well, on the off chance you seriously want it to look like that, have fun!
(any offense you may have felt by my post, i am truly sorry for. i posted this in fun. i found the laptop very funny, sorry if i offend you) -
Snakes on a Plane Notebook Consultant
that notebook would go well with a pink polo
a pink polo? please, those go with macbooks. that just looks bad, it doesn't really go with anything.
jk. whatever suits your needs man, don't let anyone tell you what looks good or bad...
it looks like puke.
If your already going to paint it why don't take the time to put bright flashing lights on it that blink fast enough to give people seizures. Ohh! And when you open the lid it should start to play circus music! Lmao, all in good fun man. But I would STRONGLY suggest you make the bulk of it red or yellow, just use the blue for accents, and try to keep the color on the back of the screen the same as the main body of the notebook (it will make it look less childish). Thats my 2 cents.
this is the real superman notebook.
http://alienware.com/special_edition/superman/main.aspx bam! -
I think you need to first think about taking that copy of photoshop you have and throwing it away..... fast....
I agree with spooky. Do the body in one main color and use the others as highlights (maybe a yellow touchpad to resemble the belt buckle...) If you do it right, this can really turn out good.
.. oh and please tell me your painting skills are better than your photoshop skillz cause I am graduating with 2 degrees in graphics this semester and it really looks like you used a commodore 64 or something to color that... muahhhahahaha... well maybe an amiga.... -
I think a kid would laugh at that laptop.
you guys dont have to be mean.
dude just keep working at it and try colors that are not that bright. Darker colors will work better against each other. Also no one gets great at photo shop in a day or even month. Just keep working at it. -
Yeah, definately try making your colors in photoshop first. Don't paint your notebook until it looks good or like another person said, you'll be laughed at the rest of your life
Btw, even though I'm joining the party, I love how even though his real mod turned out pretty good, everyone still chooses to bash his crappy 'ms paint' mod... Instead of posting in his real topic...
It looks unique, that's for sure... you need to do something with the colours though, like get rid of the yellow!
Makes me think of McDonalds more than Superman.
Photoshopped badly done plan e1705
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by mas5acre, Sep 14, 2006.