After reading many threads and having some serious thought, I've decided to look into painting my m15x. I am pretty sure that I don't want to do it myself, not out of inability but of FEAR of ruining my baby. i would prefer to have a company or a professional do it. I have a few questions before i dive into this project.
Do companies exist that provide custom painting services based on my request?
My warranty WILL be voided by this correct?
If i decide to do it myself:
What brand of paint should i use?
Can you point me to a comprehensive guide because the ones i found on the web suck.
i believe that even though I don't want to do it myself, i will because of time and budget constraints.
any and all tips on this will be very appreciated.
Definitely check out Laptop Design USA: that's where I'm looking at having mine done, and I've been talking with them trying to get everything ready. They have been extremely helpful so far, and they have also had terrific reviews for paint quality.
It is possible to paint parts of your laptop without voiding the warranty (namely, the front and back of the monitor casing). However, since the m15x's plastic hinge mounts are notorious for breaking, and since Alienware has already tried a couple of times to sidestep the warranty by blaming the damage on customer misuse/abuse, you probably shouldn't count on having your warranty remain in tact. -
well i just talked to alienware and checked their warrenty, if the pannels are damaged then that is my fault either way, but i am still covered for internal damage that i didn't do while painting.
and i looked at laptop design USA and they seem to have a very limited range of colors. I'll email them though -
On the preview tool? Yeah, they barely have anything on there - it's more of a gimmick preview than a design tool.
To the extent of my knowledge, they can match any color of automotive paint you can imagine, on top of custom designs/images. -
well thats great, did you get a price estimate from them, cuz i don't want to go overboard on my spending this summer.
how can you even think about painting such nice looking notebook that's already painted by alienware lol. if you don't like color or the way it looks then i think it'll be better to just buy a different notebook from voodoo (soon) or FNW.
anyway i think takes custom painting orders. -
dont paint it yet,
you can get screwed over just like I did.
Get a signature in ink from someone from alienware, who states that painting does not void your warranty. I just went through this whole deal with voodoo and I got screwed cause I didnt have anything on ink.
Painting most definitely voids your warranty. Its not the paint though. The second you take a screw out, your system warranty is void. I am sure that this is the same with alienware as it is with voodoo.
Please take my advice and get something signed, cause you do not want to end out like me, with a $10,000 laptop and no warranty.
Lethal Lottery Notebook Betrayer
i want my m15x all painted a racing blue. how much does laptop design usa charge. anything over 200 and ill just chill.
you should invest at least $400 for good painter otherwise don't expect quality finish.
$400 for good paint,
I dont know what you are talking about, I had mine done professionally and I had to bargain and negotiate him down to $2500.
Getting it done professionally has its positives and negatives,
for one, the finish will be amazing, and you will weigh less now that your wallet is empty
but painting involves taking the system apart, and thus voids all warranties.
Please do not paint it until the warranty is up. If something breaks, you will have to pay in full to get it replaced.
The guy I had paint my laptop wanted $175 for 4 layers of blue paint and 2 layers of clear for my e1505. It was as basic of a paint job as possible. Instead I did it myself and it came out great, and it only cost me $15. The work is what makes it so expensive. Wetsanding and making the surface smooth is no easy task. It is painstaking and long, which is why its expensive.
well not everyone can afford to have highest standards when it comes to paint. boutique paint job for $400 is good enough for me and for the life of the notebook. mind posting pics of your E1505?
You can design your own laptop skin and it is going to be better for your laptop in the long run.
Tips for making your own laptop skins....
200 dpi minimum (200 is good, don't really need to increase)
for each inch, use 200 pixels.
a surface area of 12 inches by 10 inches should be...
2400x2000 pixels
So what is a 15.4 inch laptop going to require?
I looked up some sizes using the bestbuy site, and checked specs on some different models...
Dell Studio 15.4
Width = 14
Depth = 10.3
Dell Inspirion 15.4
Width = 14.1
Depth = 10.1
HP Pavilion 15.4
Width = 14.1
Depth = 10.2
Acer Extensa 15.4
Width = 14.2
Depth = 10.5
Macbook 15.4 (forgot which model)
Width = 14.1
Depth = 9.6
Toshiba 15.4
Width = 14.3
Depth = 10.6
So basically, 15 inches x 11 inches is ideal (with a little space left over)
That would be 3000 x 2200 pixels. -
I did the skin for my laptop myself, check it in sig
Sgt. Hollywood Notebook Evangelist
Wet sanding with h20 or creme is no big deal, nor is most of the other work needed to be done. Not to mention that if you temps, spray control, mix and curing times are good sanding will be at a minimum. The most expensive thing would be the shop space that it would take up during the painting and the possibility of needing to get a paint that was "more gentle" with laptop plastics. -
I have been thinking of painting my m15x for somethime as well. Nothing drastic, just a little darker metallic grey/silver shading along the central ripley crease and around the alien head and sides of the laptop lid and maybe just a light bit of shading of the alienware 'ribs' or whatever it is like on the Skullcap.
I think if its done subtley then it will look kickass.
Painting an m15x
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by stirfriedsushi, Aug 5, 2008.