I have recently bought an LG S1 express dual. After a Toshiba Satellite, Acer Ferrari 3000 and a Dell XPS M170, I have to say this is one good looking machine with excellent performance. Now, I am a serious gamer (sounds funny I know) and an external keyboard is not an option. I am worried that after a while, the wrist pad on the laptop will start to blacken and look really bad. I have my heart set on painting the surroundings of the keyboard but cant make up my mind on which color. Should I go with black, red, orange or leave it as it is? The piano black exterior is definately going to stay.
I would go with black, I think it would compliment the other black features of the notebook nicely! Take a look at the Krylon Fusion Paint!
I would go Orange.
Personally I'm a huge fan of red but that's me. Do whatever you like. Red and orange would look pretty good but you may want all black. Krylon is pretty good stuff. Personally I like to use automotive paints
Having second thoughts here. I would totally go for it if I can find a professional that will do it, affraid I would ruin it.
the LG looks awesome the way it is already!!!!!!
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
I am gonna vote black, but here's what I suggest you do, take pictures of your laptop and photoshop the colours you want and see what fits best
Or look at the above threads and use a vynl, foil, something like that.
MysticGolem -
First of all, keep your hands clean
Seriously, doing heavy gaming on the laptop's keyboard will have a much bigger negative impact on the keyboard itself then the wrist pad. If you don't like external keyboard, why don't use a gaming pad/joystick or any other gaming device? And one more suggestion, why don't use a pretective foil for that area when you play? (I"m sure you can find some in one of those little computer stores in Hawally
If you absolutely must paint go with black!
Good luck -
Hey ! How did you know about Hawalli?
Have you ever been in Kuwait? I actually play in a (sheesha) in Hawwali where a bunch of bring our laptops and play BF2 online.
OH come 'on man!! it already look amaizing that way! but if you have already decide to paint it you should go with orange, well that only my opinion
orange would be sweeeeeeeeeet
carbon black / flint black
Already sold it guys, thanks.
Why did you sell it?
Painting a brand new LG S1 express.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by MYK, May 21, 2006.