I ordered my laptop sticker earlier.
My GFX skills are not great, but i love my design because i know that i made it using my own skills.
Above is the design.
Whatcha think?
Snake: Scared of nothing, stick up for myself, emotionally powerful
Car: love of sports cars and bikes and other stuff
The smiley thing: My attitude and the way i live is different to everyone else i know in person, this is the most important pic here. It shows the way i am towards life. I am the yellow guy, my class, my school are the blue guys.
Monaco: My love of travelling distances.
The text: My name and my Personal site (duh..lol)
I don't know what laptop you have but I think it's safe to say that it will look better just the way it is.
Robert in Sadorus Notebook Evangelist
That was rude tlauer1.
Robertall:If it looks good to you then by all meens hook it up! -
It'll be an eye-catcher thats for sure.
WIll be only one
Nice -
Someone please check this screenshot, if anyone has the same IP on the forum's as they have when i posted my blog post please ban them: http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/8631/spamgg2.gif
I don't really enjoy being flamed..
I don't give 2 hoots if it is crap in your opinion. It is ONE OF A KIND, i made it, it has great meanings to me, and i personally like it. I dont give a dam what you think, it is my opinion, not yours, it is my sticker, not yours, it is a nice sticker to me, and the last thing i need is some div starting to spam by blog. I have just banned that IP range from ever visiting my site again, and at the end of the day, it is your loss, and my gain.
Don't Spam My 2 year old BLOG.
There is a screenshot worth checking out.
Rob -
If the sticker is meaningful to you and you like it then by all means put it on your laptop. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. -
I agree with Thibault -- as long as YOU like what's going on your laptop, that's what matters. I'm glad you're getting a customization that you're happy with.
don't give 'em the satisfaction by reacting. That is what they want in cases like this...ignore is sometimes hard but really is the best way to go...
About the sticker...COOL...I think it's a fun thing that we can alter the looks if we want. It's your computer and why not make it look the way you want! -
This is coming from a web designer so don't get too upset. -
thanks for the kind comments everyone
rob -
I updated my signature with information on my laptop and hardware.
Rob -
This is sad
Where is a community sprit in this site? I have never in my life joined a site just so rude and arrogent like this one, apart from www.sa-mp.com...
the active members are fine, but the new guys are just so harsh...
I have had 4 spam posts on my blog in less than a week since i ordered this sticker... and posted here. -
In my opinion it's not the best idea to advertise your blog like this. It only takes one immature person to spam your blog and send the link to a few of his friends for more spamming. -
robertall, this is the first forum I ever joined. Since then I joined over 10 forums. If you combine the number of my posts in all those forums, multiply by 4, it'll still be less than what i have here. Not because I'm that good with laptop, it's because this is the best forum around. Everyone is someone's friend, we all know each other in a way. I'm against whoever attacked your blog and agree that he should be banned (not that it's up to me). But, you get what you ask for. So what if someone doesn't like your design, you do .. don't you? Most posts in this thread were positive, only 2 said that it was awful and I really beleive that was there honest opinion. I personally like how it's so personal and one of a kind. I also assume that all 4 attacks were from the same personal. Of not maybe they just popped it and saw your post. Don't blame anyone.
(my name is robert too and my better half always calls me "ro-bear" [in some awful French-type accent no less] when she is being playful...)
Seriously this is a great place. I just happened across this place a couple months back which doing laptop research. I've been online fore quite a while now, think pre-time when compuserve was still charging by the minute for access to their "community" stuff...this board seems to have the same feel to it that we had most places in that before-time...as in before AOL ruined the internet by giving the bo-tards access to the web, or worse yet to other humans...but they can be fun too...
Bummer you had some probs...it happens and not much you can do but roll with it...for the interium you might want to put your blog in review mode for now. That's about the best way to control blog SPAM or BS posts. -
You ask for an opinion and get upset when someone attacks it. Don't ask for opinions if you're only interested in hearing good things. Personally, I think it isn't too good. The font is horrible. The individual pictures are good but how they are on there are bad. There should be cleaner transitions between the background and pictures on top. I don't know how to make custom graphics, I am just starting out trying to learn GIMP and Photoshop. But, it has to be more than being able to make that in Word.
Just because a few people on the forums gave you negative opinions, in no way justifies insulting an entire community. I am new here, and i am loving it, friendly and honest advice from the people on the forums. You asked for an opinion, and got some. In the future, think rationally before insulting an entire online community. -
For a guy who has maintained a blog for 2 years, I am quite surprised the way you reacted to 4 spam mails you got because of this incident. You advertised your site address on a very popular public forum having more than 50k registered members and thousands of guests. This kind of post is bound to get some attention, both positive and negative hence the spam.
Personally I think this whole incident did more good than harm for you, check your recent traffic , bet there is a sudden increase in number of hits.
If a newly registered member started this thread and then disappeared, there is a good possibility that this thread itself would be considered as spam. Now think about that before blaming the whole notebookreview community about your little spamming problem. -
dont stick it on your computing-machine... please.
edit: Ok, I admit that you'll probably say the same to me, if you saw a sticker I designed for my laptop. It's all personal preference -
Robertall, I think your sticker is cool an unique.
As for all the junk going on in this thread, don't worry about it. Some people on the forum aren't too good at giving constructive feedback; they just say something is stupid or whatever without any other comments. Again, just don't worry about it. Also, as long as YOU like your sticker, that is all that matters, everyone has difference in tastes, so just because someone doesn't like it doesn't mean it is bad. Anyway, as I said, cool and unique sticker, I hope you enjoy it! -
I understand how rob feels. Yes he was asking for opinions about his sticker, and everybody knows that when you do this, there's always the pros and the cons, and I think he might have been aware of this already. What was really wrong was the way the opinion was given. If you really want to give an honest opinion to someone about something, you just either have to say you like it or you don't, and it doesn't have to be insulting. This is an honest and more importantly a friendly forum guys. No one has to be rude.
Ordered my laptop sticker earlier!
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by robertall, Feb 7, 2007.