check out
are these wourth buying? they do seem really nice, i have been looking for a keyboard protector that i could use without noticing it one
I've never used one, but I would be worried to use anything like that on a notebook. A certain amount of heat escapes through the keyboard (which is why you NEVER shut the lid of a running notebook unless it is set to go into standby), so I'd be afraid the protector would act as a convection agent to help the notebook overheat.
You really have focused a really important aspect, would the asus c90 also had that problem? i guess not because of the 4 fans in the back, they could speed up if keyboard was covered or if i would close the lid on intensive processing..
i have an asus c90 (great notebook by the way), well tell me what you think.. -
Haven't tried out the C90, so I don't know for sure. Hopefully a few forum-goers using the c90 can chime in.
I've been using a notebook that is prone to overheating, so I tend to focus on anything that can even slightly alter internal temperatures. If the c90 can handle the cooling, it may well be worth it (you may want to test by closing the lid for about 30 minutes after you've been using the computer for a while, just to see how hot it gets). -
I've bought 2 keyboard protectors from that person.
These keyboard protectors are worth buying. Also if you are in a quiet environment and don't want to disturb people much, the keyboard protector suppresses the sound made.
I'm a little worried about something listed as a universal keyboard protector. Look into that seller's listings for a keyboard protector that fits your laptop. Don't go for universal. -
but other than that, isint there an option where you can turn off the screen when the notebook is inactive for a limited amount of time? im guessing 3-5min, or around there? -
On every notebook I have seen you can select the notebooks behavior on the lid closing ... off/stand-by/hibernate/nothing
I'm afraid of what it would do to the tactile feel of the keyboard.
My notebook does have an option to put the system into standby when the lid is closed, but I've had my system hang on my instead of going into standby a few times, and I've seen brand new machines exhibit the same behavior, so I tend not to trust it.
So what's the purpose with such a thing? To prevent liquids from getting into the notebook, or from wear on the tops of the keys?
I would say the purpose is a bit of both, but leaning more toward column "A"
. Liquid spills are deadly, so I can see trying to prevent them in any way possible.
I guess another aspect is, like the sales page for it says, trying to keep dust and grime out of the keyboard. I'm constantly shocked at just how much funk there is in my keyboard when I clean out my notebook ever 3 months, and I make sure my hands are clean before I ever pull out the notebook, NEVER eat while using it, and generally take care to keep it as clean as I can.
Hmmm...don't do that, either. Something tells me I never want to touch your keyboard
ye ye.. next there will be condoms for cellphones.. they collect dust as well
yer im just about to check but i dont think heat goes out of my kayboard , im gonna lift it up to see if there are any vents under neath... if heat did escape from it then there would be gaps under the keys for it to get out easier.
I have a silicon cover for my Vostro 1500, it is custom made for Dell Keyboards to it fits the keyboard very nicely. I have to say when using it at first it feel very weird, but it is very easy to get accustom to. The heat could be an issue but for vostro 1500 the dust plate of the keyboard already block most of the heat from escaping and I use notebook cooler, as a result it wasn't much of an issue. Overall, I really enjoy having it, now I don't have to constantly clean my keyboard, just the cover once in a while.
do you guys have any idea to clean this silicon protectors? cause dust sticks on the silicon, and it's hard to be clean. is this washable?
to clean, water + liquid detergent + silicone cover = clean non grimy cover, only problem with these, at least when using a mac they sort of insulate the heat and turn yellow. i have read an article of how a guys macbook got so hot with one of these his screen and keyboard cover became one mass of melted plastic-silicone
okay, i did try washing it, and i'll wait for the result. The screen is affected by the keyboard silicon? oh, means that he close the macbook without turning it off or setting it to sleep right?
I've used those before. They're cool in the beginning, but like someone said, heat escapes. For me, the thing got slightly tougher so the typing experience wasn't the same. It's sorta hard to type with those things on too. It did save me a couple of times but that was because I was careless and said "Oh I have a protector. Whatever".
Notebook Keyboard Silicon Protectors
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by freelance, Oct 4, 2007.