Hello all, In the coming week XOTIC PC will be offering back lid and full laptop custom paint jobs on all the laptops we carry. We just received our demo back from the painter today and wanted to share the pictures with fellow NBR members. There will be many options you can do, to make your laptop as unique/custom as you want them. You will be able to choose from back lid only paint jobs or full machine paint jobs.
We are working out the the final pricing. From what i know at this point (ballpark) full system paint jobs will run approximatley $425-450 and back lid only work will run approx. $199 - $210. All paint jobs will come with a 2 Year Warranty. A automotive paint is used and any color imaginable can be selected (i.e. corvette red) or even glow in the dark!As you can tell by the pictures that there is a very glossy clear coat that goes over the paint when complete.
I hope the pics arent to large to load![]()
BTW, this was done for a female employee...
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
hot... I just wish I had $450 sitting around to mess with.
INEEDMONEY Homicidal Teddy Bear
Purple...Pink Flowers...It's ok Justin. If its yours just say so. No judgement
It's very nice, but I think i'll just get my shticker for now. After my bank robbery i should be able to afford it -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Well....I do have a side of me that likes purple and lots of flowers..... LOL
I'm just preparing mine to go off for a glow in the dark.... Cant wait to see it and throw it under some black lights...
Sent my dektop (Coolermaster Wavemaster Case) off for a US Flag earlier this week. -
That looks awesome.
Which model is that laptop? I can't wait to get mine!
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
INEEDMONEY Homicidal Teddy Bear
Who do you send it to (if you don't mind sharing
) and how long does it take?
And yeah...there's a part all of us that likes purple and pink flowers -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
(Thats why i am procrastinating on sending my Z96J in). It is hard to be without my baby...
The company who does it prefers us not to release their name. (so they dont get bombarded with end user calls) -
INEEDMONEY Homicidal Teddy Bear
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Correct, you would just send it to us and we will do both our laptops and any others the user has. -
INEEDMONEY Homicidal Teddy Bear
I haven't even gotten mine in the mail yet lol. The thought of receiving it and just sending it back and being without it for even longer just kills me
This is somewhat offtopic but will you be offering Merom upgrade services? I know Donald said in another thread that they would. I was just thinking I could kill two birds with one stone and get it painted and upgraded to Merom in one shipment -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Absolutely! We would be happy to take care of two birds with one stone.... -
I totally understand why they would want to do business through the laptop seller. Once they open the floodgates for all, they will waste more time answering questions than actually painting laptops. Its good for us in the end because we get our machines back faster. Most places take 4-8 weeks to get a paint job. 5-10 business days is great - but I'm wondering how long that will last. I would say it would be wise to get an order through Justin as soon as possible. I'm about ready to order a Z96J from him - maybe a week or so to go! Can't wait.
INEEDMONEY Homicidal Teddy Bear
And how would we go about customizing the look of the paint job? -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
Question - is there any reason why no sites that used to (or still do) offer the Sager 5320 (Clevo M560A), such as HyperSonic, etc. did (do) not paint it? It does have an aluminum back lid to it.
By that way that is a nice paint job - and a nice notebook. -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
I wonder if it could be Smooth?
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Wow that looks amazing. How does the paintjob affect logo insignias & other trim that would protrude from the otherwise smooth finish? Would the painter "tape if off" and let the logo, etc. come through?
Also, in the case of the HEL80...could the plastic parts be painted so that the aluminum was left untouched? Meaning is the job almost totally customizable to each customer's desire? -
http://www.smoothcreations.com/ -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
The painter can take off any proturding parts on the back of the LCD to make it one smooth surface. They can definately paint only the plastic and keep the aluminum its natural color. Maybe even just put a coat of clear coat over it to give it some shine
THe paints jobs are totally customizable.
I wasnt too happy with their service and approach to new business. Serveral emails & phone calls were unanswered. There work is top notch, but their service is Terrible.
this is a high quality paint job. very impressive, however the price is a bit hefty. finally i can get a pink laptop!!
good job. i wonder if gloss is the only paint avaliable
ahdont -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
If you want to choose a non gloss finish we can certainly do so.
a very clean and sleek job! =)
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
I think they are also painting the mALX (probably the best laptop in existence I might add).
Edit: Holy crap, I just checked out Xotic. I am impressed by what you have on ur site!!! I need to investigate further. -
it looks really good!
Is that you db? Long time no see (internet speaking).
How have you been? I have missed your posts at the other place.
Now on the topic being covered, how does smooth compare to, say, the kind of paint jobs FNW does on their machines? -
hey Joelist. I just thought about you today (was looking years back at AW forum posts at NBF - anon log in of course since I cant post there).
Smooth was teh FNW painter (they both are local Oregon companies). I had an interesting talk with Smooth employees (first person) about FNW. They are a great vendor for high quality builds, for sure. -
Interesting-I didn't know smooth was Falcon's painter.
I agree that FNW is a high quality vendor; my Mach V has been a champ.
Why can't you post there anymore? I have to admit the place has become kinda boring without you, redphyve and the others (no one talks about ducttape and crisco anymore).... -
NBF mods don't like people who disagree with how they run things (I suggested they offer an olive branch to teh many people they banned from the Alienware section). It is nice to see forums like this where that crap does not happen . . .
That's a real pity, but it does explain why NBF has lost a lot of the personality it had.
Maybe the time has come to introduce the posters here to the legend of ducttape and crisco.... -
wow... $450 for a paint job is a little too pricey, don't you think? I'm probably wrong, but still how do you justify paying a premium like that?
thats not expensive at all.. thats actually really resonable.
i tried to have a 6inch picture airbrushed onto the back of a computer and it was quoted at around 700-1500 depending on the place... so 450 for an entire computer with the option of pictures is a wonderful deal
specially if it is done correctly and looks great -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
We wanted to offer the option for users that wanted a true custom laptop or just wanted a coollooking machine.
As DB says pricey is a subjective term... -
when I win the lottery next time I'll definitely get my laptop customized! -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
those arent budget paintjobs, and you get what you pay for, 450 seems really reasonable to me for the apparent quality, kinda like getting a tattoo, you should never go shopping by the lowest price, some things are well worth a price premium
pretty crazy stuff, dude! Wish I could afford it
lol... geez $450... I just want something like my laptop lid painted glossy yellow... how much would something like that cost?
Now I know the NFL logos are copy written, but would you still paint them on?
I just want one
I absolutely love the starwars paint job(s), there awesome. I'm not even a huge starwars fan and I want them.
could I get a chick in a bikini done on the inside of my notebook (across the palm rest on the RHS)? pref a brunette with D cups wearing a white c thru bikini?. you know you want it to, I'll more than happily pay for international shipping if this is possible and if i can have some moc ups done before sending it over that would be perfect!
thanks -
New Back Lid and Full Laptop Custom Paint Job's
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Justin@XoticPC, Jul 21, 2006.