Hi, I'm new to this forum
I want to paint the lid of my toshiba satellite m40, it has a silvery colour lid and i want to paint it mist or dark grey.
Please don't laugh at me, I not very good at painting and such. But is it possible to just use model paint and a brush to paint my laptop lid, or is it a stupid idea?
Also is there anyway to make the laptop look shiny? like wax or something?
Please help, thanks
I would think that the brush will leave streaks. Painting is not an easy job, and if you don't know what you are doing (as you say you don't), it can end up in disaster. I had my N6210 painted in a car body shop and it looked nice - until it was time to put the case on. Paint began to chip. These people paint stuff all the time, and even they didn't foresee what was coming. (I ended up getting a new case, luckily was free for me though.)
You should just get some skins - stickers to put on the lid. It doesn't look as nice, but it's safe. -
skins/stickers are a good move. Also if you don't mind spending some money smoothcreations.com does great work starting at $400 shouldn't have any issues with it either. Falcon northwest and Voodoo pc do excellent paintjobs to but they require you buy a machine and they are expensive.
You would want autobody paint sprayed on with several layers, you would need sanding and..
ALso we have a step by step guide here on the site check it out..sorry no link but go to main page and it should be there his turned out pretty well. -
=_= why is it such a hard process... thanks anyway...
malia.zee, what do you mean by paint began to chip? -
It's a hard process because you are not meant to paint laptops. When you buy a brand new laptop, the paint is molded into the metal/plastic/etc.
Parts of the surfaces are plastic, which is not paintable. Even if you just want to paint just the lid and not palm rests, for example - the surface gets a lot of wear (corners) from being taken here there and everywhere, so even if you do a good job, chances are, after a few months, paint will chip. What does it mean? Paint comes off and the metal that's under the paint looks at you and says, gotcha!
I really wish laptops were more customizable from the get-go (more = not counting Voodoo and the like), and with them becoming more popular - maybe it'll eventually be an option, but for now, try to find a sticker that works. After finding out that my laptop is unpaintable, I got a sticker from schtickers.com. The name is horrendously ugly, but the stickers aren't. They even have one with Tux. (I got the daisy one for me.)
Malia -
He summed it up, it is hard and for the reaons he stated
As for stickers thats a good route to take. I dressed mine up with ferrari stickers-I have the emblem on the lid and a shield on each palmrest. -
Doctor_25's carbon mod for his acer is awesome! I think it's the best way. But you gotta strip the laptop first.
You were thinking the same thing as I was. I bet the key is to get the right paint. I guess a flat gray will work. I also guess that it would need paint thinner since model car paint is kind of thick.
I Have An Averatec 3200, Mobile Amd Sempron 2800+.
Malia Is Right. If I Was Going To Paint My Laptop I Would Only Paint The Lid. A Friend Of Mine Found A Couple Of Apple (pc) Stickers On His Averatec Lid. Lol. -
mattireland It used to be the iLand..
I wouldn't recomend traditional paint as after a while it would crumble and fall off. Sorry I can't recomend anything else at this time - I'll keep it in mind! Why would I laugh? This is a good question that has inspired discussion. If I had anymore reputation to give out today I'd give it to you. Nice question and keep up the good posts!
All of you seem to have some expertise in this painting business so I'll post my question here.
I have an Acer Aspire laptop, unfortunately due to use some parts are loosing the gray paint it originally had. Is there a way to easily repaint it? Obviously I just want to 'fix' some parts, don't want to repaint it at all.
Is this 'gray paint' a known product?
Joe. -
Easiest way is to use stickers to cover wear. It will be much more difficult to match the existing color.
Check out some of the threads on palmrest wear (search) there are a couple of fairly recent ones.
There are also several threads on painting if that is the direction you want to go. -
Joe. -
Ive actually successfully painted a compaq EVO n610c about 2 years ago with spray paint. It was not all that hard, and the paint went through hell and never faded, nor chipped.
I painted it with the type of paint that changes colors from blue, to green, to purple when you tilt it. I first completely disassembled it, then removed all of the plastics. I started with a thin coat of silver to covor the black, then did a few layers with the paint, I forgot what the color was called but I know I used Rustoleum spray paint, since I use it for everything that I paint.
After that completely dried, I used a high gloss clear coat to keep it from getting scratches, then re-assembed it. It looked amazing, until the motherboard fried about 5 months ago, and I sold the parts on ebay..
If any of that seems complicated, then just dont do it, you'll probebly make it look worse. -
There is a paint that might work for your needs, it is called Verithane and is a polyurathane based paint. I have used it for several motorcycle tanks and have had great success with it. It goes on very easy (with a little experience) and the finish is great. It also takes a beating (motorcycles are like that). This paint is used a lot in the furniture finishing area but it comes in colors also. The trick is not to get into any hurry. It will beat model paint hands down, and it comes in spray cans. Hope this helps
Urathane paints are very strong. I use them for coatings on floors, which take real beatings, I also use epoxy paints for the floors too, but I wouldn't suggest using those on laptops and such.
Need help to paint my satellite
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by AdomiE, Apr 2, 2006.