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    Need advice for permanent mousepad.

    Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by falcon2058, Dec 23, 2006.

  1. falcon2058

    falcon2058 Newbie

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    Hello, long time viewer, first time poster.

    First of all, I enjoy using my laptop while laying down in bed or in an easy chair. I also cannot stand using a touchpad (especially for gaming). So for the past year I have been using a mouse on my laptop just below the keyboard. There have been no problems at all up until my laptop was stolen and I repurchased another one (a different brand).

    My new laptop shows scratches very easily. Only after a week of usage many scratches were starting to appear and the finish is becoming faintly cracked. The solution I had in mind was a form of clear durable plastic with an adhesive backing to it, so all I would have to do is cut it to size, set it and forget it. The only problem with that is that I cannot locate anything similar to this. So I'm posting here to see what suggestions you have to offer, and where I can purchase any materials needed. Thanks.
  2. Mystic Image

    Mystic Image Notebook Consultant

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    Well, my first impulse is to say that you're better off not using your mouse on your laptop, and perhaps it would be better to buy a separate, solid mousepad that you can set on your lap or beside you.

    You're not going to find that a clear material is ever used for a mousepad these days... they're quite unsuitable because they tend to cause a lot of tracking problems with optical mice. Some are better than others but most have a difficult time tracking such a reflective surface. If you're using a ball mouse still this might not be as big of an issue, but there certainly won't be any ready-made solutions for you made of clear plastic.

    One possibility in that vein though is to buy screen protectors; usually these are used for PDA or PSP/DS screens in order to protect them for scratches. It is made of a clear thin (plastic) material and you'll be able to cut them to size - that is, if they come in a size large enough for the area you use below your keyboard to begin with. Drawbacks here include reflectivity, durability (you will have to replace these regularly because using a mouse on that surface will probably damage the plastic), and possibly the adhesive. The adhesive would work well on a screen but isn't designed for the surfaces of laptops.

    Another product that might work is 3M ClearBra (3M 'Scotchguard Paint Protector'). This is normally used on cars but it might work on a laptop. You'd probably have to go to your local car dealership or auto parts shop to find that. I really don't know how durable it is in this case.

    You could try getting a solid mousepad designed for gaming... a SteelPad, fUnc Archetype, or Ratpadz, and then perhaps cutting them down to size and mounting them or simply just using them beside you.
  3. Malia

    Malia Notebook Evangelist NBR Reviewer

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    What about those protectors that are made for Apple laptops? Maybe you can cut out a piece of those for just your palmrest. Then again, from what I remember, they're like $25...

    For anything that's DIY, I'd worry about damaging the screen when the lid is closed, so I'd make sure to put some kind of cloth between keyboard & screen. That's so much trouble though - have you tried using the touchpad exclusively for a few days to see if you'll get used to it?

  4. Fred from NYC

    Fred from NYC Notebook Evangelist

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    How about using a trackball instead of a mouse? A trackball doesn't require movement of the device and works on any surface. You could also have the trackball next to your notebook, whether in bed or on an easy chair.
  5. Nicolas41390

    Nicolas41390 Notebook Consultant

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    That is the best idea, but they are not the best for gaming. My brother uses one because he uses his desktop while in his bed. He made a shelf out of aluminum and the computer is at his feet. He can play things like City of Heros/Vilians with not problem. But games like Half Life 2 and Serious Sam, he has a heard time. If you don't play First Person Shooters, then it is a good idea.