My first custom paint job. A bit ambitious, but I think it turned out alright. I used an old Compaq Armada 4220T and some black dupli-color automotive paint, rustoleum chrome paint and dupli-color clearcoat.
This was more or less just to see how the chrome paint would turn out. I managed to give the web a bit of an embossed texture which makes it look like it was made from individual pieces of vinyl.
Click here for more pictures.
nice job
i bet it needed quite a bit of guts to do it
congrats on the neat job -
Thanks! the masking was the hardest part.
reminds me of spiderman 3
Interesting textured look there, nice job, and thanks for posting the pics.
I think it was just a coincidence though. -
Very Nice!!
Was the texture intentional or a side effect? Is intentionel, how did you do it? I think I like the textured look but can't decide. -
the background texture was accidental. I think it was because i used the wrong paint and applied the masking tape before the basecoat had hardened completely, but I think it looks pretty cool. As for the embossed web segments, I had hoped it would give that effect. I achieved it by cutting deep through the tape and putting about 5 or 6 thick layers of paint on.
cool, I am applying paint this week ... or maybe next
I am trying to finish up my averatec after a dremel ... uh incident
Anyone following it, no I have been beaten yet just messed up the logo. I hope to be done soon and I will postup a tutorial and pics. -
I would be careful with a dremal. But good luck. I like to use the 400,000 rpm dremals. You can do more detail faster. and smoother.
Thats really cool, i like the textured look. Now to match spider man make a red one, and when you are in a bad mood use this one and a good mood the other.
Very nice for your first time, I was thinking about painting my notebook metallic green with the green lantern symbol on the lid, still (nervous) though so... who knows.
Very Nice!
Did you put a clear coat on it?
I wonder how it will hold up? -
That laptop looks fantastic, rawr! I love the metallic colour, textured finish and striking design. Thanks for posting - I'm looking forward to seeing what your next project will be!
My first custom paint job
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by rawr, May 6, 2007.