Why is it that people only mod their laptops with cosmetics? Why not give them secondary energy sources and make them do something interesting like shoot lasers :-X... Or give them another energy source and give them plasma monitors... Yes I'm crazy, but why hasn't this been done?
because if you want a powerhouse desktop is totally the way to go?
and you can even put more lasers into it (a desktop that is)
@Zellio - have you ever looked at magazines like Maximum PC? They do all kinds of weird things to notebooks (but mostly desktops). Once, I saw a water cooled notebook. Now that is wild.
As for plasma screens, ironically long before colour screens came to fruit all advanced laptops used plasma (monochrome .. orange / green) screens. Toshiba was famous for this and their machines rocked.
I was just giving examples. It seems creativity is lost. All that most people is put desktops in stuff, or modify a notebook. It would be very, very interesting if someone modified their desktop or notebook in a way that no one has ever dreamed.
I agree, it would!! I'd like to see the result and what it does though! Is anyone going to try!??!!
Ah if your after that check hackaday.com
Laptop water cooling, the frankenstein laptop and lots of other cool thingies
Modifying your laptop to do super things.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Zellio, Nov 9, 2006.