being inspired by some of the guides in this forum, i want to mod my laptop's touchpad. My touchpad gets quite hot during daily use, so i'm just wondering if there is anything that i can use to cool it down, (an insulator or something) that wont disrupt its responsiveness/ damage it
any tips are welcome !
If the laptop requires heat dissipation of some sort through the palm rest and you block it, that heat will need to go somewhere. Most likely increasing core temperatures.
the touchpad is too small to act as a massive heat dissipator so blocking it will likely raise core temps only a couple of degrees
it is very hard to tell since i have an ultraportable and so have never to took the time to open it up (also considering the harm i might do). although from the sound i believe the hd is slightly to its left and the memory banks are directly above it, i'm having a difficult time placing the cpu. So if we disregard the cpu then there isn't really anything beneath it!
The heat is most likely coming from your harddrives. I have two harddrives directly beneath my touchpad, and during a virus scan, the drives with stock cooling would soar to 175-180F. This of course went right to the touchpad. Clevo's design of the d900k was not very good in the harddrive cooling department, but I fixed all of that.
I replaced the stock piece of junk 60mm fan with a high performance industrial grade fan from ebm papst. This new fan can push 17.1cfm, which is significantly more than the 3.4cfm the priginal fan could move. I modified the harddrive bay, and created a new vent directly below the harddrives, for the hot air to escape. After the modifications, my harddrives have never ran above 125F, which is significantly cooler. I no longer burn my arms on my laptop.
Your best bet may be to get a more power efficient harddrive. You can probably get a faster 160gb 5400rpm drive which uses less power than the one you have in there, which should help reduce the temperature of your touchpad.
For a thermal block, I recommend using a thin piece of plexiglas or thin plastic. Plastic does not transfer heat well, so that should help block a bit of the heat coming from your harddrive.
yeah i will be getting an ssd next week anywayz, with rated speeds up 130/70 and of course less power consumption and far less heat
hope i dont break anything
get a bag of ice and put your hand on it when your not touching the touchpad
Why WASTE everyone's time with your question if you are getting an SSD next week?
Just keep your ideas to yourself -
just thought i'd update with my results... i switched to a diy ssd (using a compact flash card and a cf to ide adapter), and my laptop (including the palm rest and touchpad) is noticably cooler. It would have been easy though to place some sort of insulator below the touchpad.
Modding a touchpad to keep it cooler
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by jisaac, May 23, 2008.