I made a laptop by using a donor PC a Dell Vostro 220S just one. CPU and cooler bought new old stock and model M purchased
My builds specs
Motherboard DELL P301D
CPU Intel Pentium E5400
CPU Cooler stock cooler
RAM 4gb ram
PSU rose will 750 watt (I feel like it was way overboard)
GPU GT1030 graphics card
HDD Random WD Blue with 250gb of storage
Keyboard The one the only IBM Model M13 track-point
Mouse The aforementioned M13. It has a internal track-point
The monitor is a Compaq monitor
Case is plastic
How to make is to place all things on the case plug everything in and boom there you go
Do you have any pictures, i would love to see the laptop. s
plz visit your granma and get a pic, don't leave us hangn!
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Made my own laptop and my guide
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Wyoming88!, Jun 11, 2019.