So... i need help on how to paint an Alienware m17x R4... How to get rid of the soft touch finish?? Also... is it an aluminium case or it can be anodized?? If it can be... What do you recommend?? Anodizing it or painting?? Instructions on how to prepare it for the paint job would be awesome
Also... The alienhead... Is a shame is no longer customizable... can i replace the led for an RGB Led and link it to a customizable part?? let's say the start button or something... Anyone has tried it?? or knows how to??
If anyone has pics of how it looks any of the mods i would love to see them!! Also any ideas are appreciated!!
I'm thinking white, silver (like the old Lunar Silver) or maybe green... Thanks!!
I believe we has this discussion on here before, and we deemed it next to possible.
Basically, I don't think anyone came up with a way to paint over the soft touch finish without it turning out like crap. Same goes with the idea of removing the finish.No aluminum either.
For the alien head light, the light comes from the panel, which is why it is white. I haven't read any where on a way to mod it, unless you jimmy rig it by using a R2 panel or something.
Someone may have figured away out to paint it, but I haven't found one.
Sorry for the answer.
Sent from my SGH-T999 -
Oh ok!! ... Any ideas on cool visual mods?? Or hardware mods??
I do know that they sell skins you can stick on the case. Newegg sells a lot of them.
Sent from my SGH-T999 -
I'm gonna check them out!! Thanks!!
any succes?
M17x R4 How to mods... Paint & Lid Alienhead??
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Platinum_Z6, Mar 13, 2013.