Hello just thoght i wound post the test etching i did on laptop before etched on finaly laptop see what people think?.
LoL that looks awesome, I wouldn't mind an etching of my name on my macbook, small and inside the case by the touchpad would be awesome.
Thanks i will be sure post the final one that was just on old laptop screen as test the guy is think of get into laser etching notebooks
he said he will to do it for $59 bucks you provide graphics just have.nt figure out details yet on how to do it or detail cause issue with etch new laptop ie warrenty and stuff like that -
wow, looks good!
how do we get in contact with him?
I've heard mixed reports, is the back of an e1705 etchable? -
You can contact me and i cound forward info if you wound like but we are in canada Courtenay Bc
also if the back e1705 is etchable am not sure it staight plastic anything like my acer it has thin sliver layer with plain black plastic yes i wound say it etchable i cound ask him -
Cool, I'm kinda interested - I'm trying to get an extra lid for my laptop, its a magnesium composite lid, so the etching should be fine.
Plus, I'm only in Toronto, so shipping won't be much of a hassle. -
Cool am sure he be more then will to do it but bare in mind that i wound recomend do it on top the can be replaced later if design does not work
Drop me Me email Msg if you like some more info -
Yeap, I'm trying to purchase an extra lid, so I can easily ship it and see what magic they can do
Wow, and its only going to cost you 59 bucks plus shipping?! I was going to buy one of those laptop sticker cover things (a good one) for like 30 bucks, ha, but after seeing this I'm really interested (if you wouldnt mind posting who is doing this on the forum maybe? I'm sure half a dozen other people are going to ask). Hmm, I'm in the states though so shipping is probably going to be a problem.
That looks good! So you etched off the top silver layer of plastic to expose the black plastic below?
Yes well i payed nothing for test but the guy said he wound do it for 59 bucks if people wanted it done you provide you own graphics or if you want graphics works design done it wound be more
also yet to have finaly laptop that was just old laptop screen we did test with -
Yes that is Corected
Just like let every one know who read this Post the finaly picture are ready of of acer aspire please share you opions :>
Laser Etching Test pictures
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by andyasselin, Aug 17, 2006.