As the factory protective film is peeling away, I am in need of new protection.
Looking to keep my palm rest, lcd, and lid cover to be covered by some type of film to avoid scratching it.
I just plug in my external keyboard when I'm at home. It reduces wear and tear by 1/2. Beside, the full size heavy duty Logitech is a lot more comfortable and durable. So I can relax and don't have to worry about laptop damage every second.
p.s. I thought this thread was about protection against theft. -
There are keyboard covers/protectors you can put on top of your laptop keyboards. They look pretty neat if you ask me, a little similar with MDR8850's suggestion.
Laptop need protection
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by PopRoxMimo3, Oct 13, 2009.