Does anyone know of a sticker/decal place that will allow you to use copywrited images as long you you leave the copywrite somewhere on the sticker/decal.
Well the Design i want is Only Semi CopyWrited!
its a porsche picture that was drawn and copywrited but it has been edited and added on to and the new picture doesnt have a copywrite. but im thinking that Schtickers might think it is Copywrited just by looking at it.
The search button is your friend. -
The word is "copyright", as in you have the right to copy it. Secondly, DO you have the copyright to the image? Using it as a base for another image is still copyright infringement, and Schtickers would be right to not print it. You're talking about doing something illegal by circumventing copyright. Get permission from the original artist, and forward that to Schtickers, and you would probably be ok. What image is it, and how were you going to leave the copyright on it? If you've changed it, you can't "leave" the copyright, you have to obtain permission from the original artist to make a derivative work, I believe.
the whole copyright thing is all Grey area's.
Heres a picture of something ive been working on...its only 1/2 doen but you get the idea!
I dont like the Font Much for "Martini Racing" and plan on using porsche's Font for it. im also not sure if i want to use the Crest or Just the Text saying "porsche" i dont like the color of the text much either.
If anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE tell. im using Photoshop Cs3 Extended.Attached Files:
As was stated in the other threads, you will most likely not encounter a problem. The design looks pretty good except the resolution is too low. Finish it up and send it to schtickers. Worst case is they say no
However to be clear, copyright's are not a "grey area" ....
There is no such thing as "semi-copyrighted" and what you have shown here might (but probably not) qualify as a derivative work. I would think it to be a direct violation of Porsche's copyright/trademark. Even if it does qualify as a derivative work you would need Porsche's permission to make such an image. Also of note is the fact that you are asking a company to violate the law.
Copyrights I believe is there so individuals/businesses can't use it for profit... making money out of someones ideas. For individuals using it for personal use without monetary gain should be okay.
Laptop Front Decals
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by phil823, Sep 25, 2007.