Ive got an hp DV5000, and its got that shiny black plastic all around the keyboard. Its got marks from spit (Kinda like you get on your monitor), and I want to clean them off. I tried using a cloth that comes with glasses, bu I noticed that that put micro scratches ALL over it, what can I use to clean it? Also, Ive got the same kinda spit marks all over my LCD screen. What can I use to clean them off?
those arent microscratches thats the grease and whatever residue spreading. you need to get a nice mild cleaner. distilled water would actually be your best bet, then get something slightly stronger from there onwards.
What would you actually recomend, like, what is a mild cleaner for it?
There is a wide variety of cleaners out there specifically for laptop screens and what not. I personally just use some eyeglass cleaner or the occasional watered down windex WITHOUT ammonia but people will persecute me for that and tell you that it's a horrible idea because it oculd strip the screen, especially if it's glossy so i won't recommend that.
if you search for "cleaning screen" or something there should be plenty of threads with plenty of suggestions for what to use
LCD Screen Marks + Black Plastic Help
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Carsonauto, Sep 21, 2006.