Hello all. I recently came across a website with stunning high def desktop wallpapers. I was so impressed, I felt the need to share this with everyone. All of the images look to be original works of art and are grouped in many categories. It's a Russian site and looks to be very under appreciated. Seems to be frequently updated as well!
For instance, here is an example of a game wallpaper (not sure which one):
Everyone loves Lara Croft!
I've only check the game and fantasy categories thus far. Enjoy!
Man, there are some gorgeous pictures on that site. thanks for the heads up, i've been looking for a site like this!
Nice site, i use
its a great site as well. -
Great stuff
(you just made 700 posts BTW, grats to you)
PM Chaz, and you will be able to change your user title, etc. ~ unless you can already do that now).
Cin. -
Nice site!!Thanks for the share!
Interfacelift is excellent as well, I usually visit once a week. Some absolutely amazing photography there. They must have some crazy expensive cameras!
Hey, thanks.
Yes, i agree, i have used interfacelift before and it's excellent.
Thanks man! InterfaceLift and Wallpaperbase are two other good websites.
that's definitely gears of war in the OP's first link
Nice sites guys thanks.
www.digitalblasphemy.com Has been my main source of wallpapers for a long time.
Another great place to check is:
I have found a ton of great BG's on there!
Cin -
This is another great site to check.
http://wallpaper.deviantart.com -
It's like a 24/7 open door Online Art Gallery to me...I've spent a great amount of time looking at all the nice Artwork/Graphics placed on deviantart, and have downloaded several BG's! :cool;
Cin -
here's a couple of the wallpaper sites i frequent often:
graffiti wallpaper
digital blasphemy
mandolux - great WP site for dual monitor setups
wallpaper database
enjoy -
dam u guys knoe a lot of wallpaper sites.....nice finds really appreciate it i will share this one with you guys http://www.imageof.net/wallpaper/Abstract-Brush/
Great site, nice layout
I'd like to share a spectacular wallpaper site!
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Convoluted, Apr 7, 2009.