Since I've been on Sonys and Macs most of my life, looks are important to me. With core2duo, 7200prm and 3gb ram (comming soon), I'm in for a blast. I love my thinkpad. With these specs and with IBM's superior build quality, this bad boy would easily last me a couple of year. It's just too ugly![]()
What can I do with it?
I was hoping to have something like this or a snap on lid (like dell). I don't think painting is an option. The case is rugged and paint won't look good on it.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Wow, I would never call a ThinkPad ugly -- just look at the Dells (white bumpers, ewwww) or any other laptop that uses inconsistent coloring (like the Asus A8J series... great hardware, but so ugly).
I think ThinkPads are ugly. Of course, as far as I'm concerned, plain = ugly. And ThinkPads can't be all neon colors and what not since they are targeted at businesses, so it's understandable why they're plain. Still, just because it makes sense doesn't make it any more tolerable.
Bob - if you're looking for laptop stickers, the most popular place is The best part is that you can upload your own image if you don't like their (small) selection. There's also, off the top of my head, PolyGFX, SkynMobile (ok so they are pretty girly, but there's some solids you may like, probably not though), SkinIt, DecalGirl (not all of the stuff there is girly), and lots of others. Just google laptop skin or laptop sticker. Some of them, esp Schtickers, have been discussed a lot in this forum, so if you just search, you'll find. Good luck
Malia -
Thanks Malia, I''ll take a look.
duct tape? that always seems to add a flare to car windows and lazy-boy recliners. Perhaps for a laptop?
btw, I know what you are syaing about DULL...when I was shopping for a new laptop bag I grew so weary of JABB's (just another black bag)...
The stickers are cool and seems like companies are coming out with all manner of decals for laptops these days. I even found a web site that has the blank vinyl sticker "paper" for both inject and color/mono laser printers...I gotta find the link though...I lost it doing a reformat...I should be able to find it again if you are interested...actually I posted in somewhere in this forum now that I think about it... -
Ooo big glossy sticker paper! I want that! I don't know what for, but once I have it in my possession, ideas are bound to pop up! Off the top of my head, I say the mini-fridge gets it!
Malia -
OTAY PANKY...will hunt it down!!
I found it!!!!
They have OODLES of cool stuff on that site. It all looks FUN... -
They have temporary tattoo paper. I didn't know that's something you can DIY! Hey how about NBR tattoos :X
They are very particular with what printer you use with their paper. Now, to find out when a grad student is teaching a bio lab in the room with the super duper new color laser printer, sneak in when no one cares, print some more posters on regular glossy paper, and while at it, find out the model number of this wonderful printer. All I remember is, I checked how much it cost, and it's $1600-$2000...
Malia -
cool!! Yeah color lasers are FUN to have. I opted for an Oki c3200n color laser (well really an LED printer but that's splitting hairs I guess). It prints AWESOME graphics. Pics just OK for the most part. But from a distance they are fine, up close some pics are be grainy...still for $299 it's wonderful to use for color invoices and also source code, proposals and that kinds stuff.
I email to ask if the paper will workie on my printer...we'll see...I did learn something from the site that never had really dawned on me...99.9% of the color printers cannot print all the colors you think...they cannot print white...who knew?!!!?? -
Well of course they can't print white! They're only black + RGB (or CMYK?), and all you can get by mixing that is black. The really fancy printers have removable cartriges for every color. I think they have 6? I don't remember. A company that was on the same floor as my company had a really fancy printer that was taller and wider than a desk (though skinnier) to print posters and other promotional odds and ends, and, I wish I had toys like that! But it was expensive so I didn't ask if I could use it...
Malia -
hehehehe...yeah, I know that NOW...I really felt just stooopid when I read that and said to myself "...oh, yeah, that's true..."
I think it's great that the color lasers have drop so much in price the past couple years. Even the more utilitarian models like my Oki are a big improvement over the consumer level inkjets. When I factored ink into the price the Oki was a much better deal. And even if it is just the ease of use and never needing to mess with ink carts ever again.
After buying my printer I grabbed a 2nd set of carts on eBay so I have enough toner to last 2, maybe 3, years. Plus the laser carts will really never get old and expire the same way injet carts do...
I saw a newer Oki model that handles 11x17 paper. I really would LOVE to get one as I have a client who needs a newsletter printed. They are a non-profit and I want to just print it for them as a favor. But it's another $600...yet that is actually not expensive in terms of what it gives ya...
I have seen those poster sized printers...that are soooooo cool! Our local Staples had one of the higher end mid-range printers in stock a while back. It was TALL like the one you mentioned. About the size of a smaller stand alone copier. But how fun would that be to play around with!
I have always had a secret fetish for DTP stuff and playing with graphics...I just happen to be ahhhhhh-tistic, as in "...ahhhh at least you tried...", and not artistic...hehehehehe... -
I have to do something with my ugly Thinkpad.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by MYK, Feb 15, 2007.