I recently got a design idea for painting a Sager NP2090, which I might buy soon.
My idea was to paint the entire thing Lamborghini yellow, then on the left and right of the touchpad, but peter griffin and bender for futurama.
Is there any tutorials on how to alter the image like this in like photoshop or something? Does anyone here know how to do this?
I will probably get the job done from Smooth Creations.
What kind of altering to the images are you referring to? Like a blending of the paint and the images or ????
im not sure what you mean.
What I wanted to do was paint the whole thing either Lamborghini yellow or orange. Then on left side of the touch pad have bender from futurama, and on the right side have Peter Griffin from Family Guy.
Can you digitally alter a photo of the Sager NP2090 [IFL90] So it looks like this?
EDIT: Perhaps these two images?
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015 -
I think I understand. Take a digital image of the laptop and digitally create the paint effect that you want so that you can take it to the paint shop and have a model to show them. Is that correct?
yea something like that. I also wanted to just see what it would look like.
Can you do this please? -
Sure can. I have an image blocker at work (where I'm at right now) so I can't see those images but I will look at them tonight when I get home and get to work on this tonight and keep you up to date. When will you be getting your computer?
I think Im going to order it within the next few weeks. Its the Sager NP2090 built on the Compal IFL90.
Thanks a lot Wingsbr -
No problem. I'll pm you with my questions as I go along. Have a good weekend! =)
I have an idea, but Im not sure how to preview it...
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by FrostFire, Jun 22, 2007.