I just bought an Acer 8471 which I absolutely "love". It's perfect in every capacity except for one thing.. the palm rest to the right of the touchpad gets uncomfortably hot. This is where I rest my hand for everything and is unacceptable!
I've already dismantled the laptop and removed the top cover. The part in question ended up being the wireless card plugged into a small mini-pcie slot.
My question is, what can I put on the reverse side of the palm rest to mitigate the wireless card from heating up the palm rest?
There is plenty of room for me to layer stuff. I just need to find the right thing to do it with.
This is what I found while trying to google a solution:
Ceramic Insulation Tape | UltiMachine
Ceramic Paper - Wale Apparatus
"Ceramic Insulation Tape"
Key points are:
Is this what I want? Or is there something better?
Not sure. My thought is that the heat has been escaping through the panel... if not able to is cooling ok?
If you do insulate the palm rest, you're going to have to come up with an alternative way for the heat to escape. Otherwise your wireless card will have a much shorter lifespan. Not to mention that insulation does not prevent it from heating up anyway. It just means it takes longer to warm up and cool down. If you use the laptop for a long period of time, the palm rest will heat up anyway and then take even longer to cool off because of the insulation that's trapping heat. Insulation is a double-edged sword.
insulation, if any, by way of using a neoprene padding or the likes would serve well outside the laptop, between your palm and the palmrest.
solid materials conduct heat whereas if you can find something that will offer padding for comfort and also insulation such as say... bubblewrap sandwiched between neoprene, would offer what you want in a cheap solution.
styrofoam balls are also good insulation due to their low density... but a pain in the to work with.
insulation internally will just delay the heat transfer... what you "need" to do is to find a way to remove the heat to a different place... but that's a bit too much work for a laptop.
i'd try to find a piece of thick neoprene and use that padding when you have your laptop open.
How to shield a palm rest from getting hot from beneath?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by PixelAeo, Oct 28, 2010.