OK, I don't want to be too specific how can you remove/reduce scratches from glossy/matt plastic on notebooks and monitors and mice and keyboards.
What chemicals can be used to clean them without dissolving the plastic, what abrasives should be used, how do you restore the shine to glossy plastic.
Any help appreciated.
Brasso and Silvo works great on hard plastics - removes scratches and gives a glossy finish.
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Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
If they're shallow scratches, some polishes/protectants like Plexus will fill in and make it look like they're not there, and also add shine back. Deeper scratches would have to be filled/buffed or painted over, and for matt surfaces you're out of luck if you don't want to repaint.
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some people take a scotchbrite pad and scratch up their glossy plastic.
If you use the edge of a book as a guide, you can make very straight scratches to give it a fake-brushed aluminum look.
some look like crap because their owners freehand scratched it, and the lines don't look straight.
How to remove scratches or at least lessen their appearance on plastic?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Tinderbox (UK), Feb 26, 2017.